Why am I already showing?!?!

I am pregnant with baby number 2. I am 9 weeks and already showing - I have been for a week now. I know your body is never the same after the first, but the baby is still so low so I dont get why I already have a pooch - well what really looks like a big beer gut.
What causes this? I didnt look like this with my first until at least the second trimester. At this rate, I am going to look 9 months by the time Im 5 months.


  • Bloating
  • Ur probably bloated. My stomach rounded off real fast by 3 months.
  • I'm almost 12 weeks and I am bloated beyond belief. Boooooooooo.
  • I'm 14w 3d and its bloat. I've been like this sincw week 11
  • I feel you. Its bloating. I look around 6 months and this is baby #2. I know that your second shows quicker but I'm only 10w 5days so it can't be the actual baby lol.
  • Its bloating for sure I'm little over 19 weeks with our second our first is 19 months and u can barely tell until I eat and drink a lot water and get bloated lol
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