My baby is getting his vaccines later this month...

edited July 2013 in Babies Health
Before i start, i know some ladies here are against vaccines and i totally respect that. I have chosen to vaccinate my child and i have my reasons so please do not question my decision because i do not want this thread to turn into a debate. Thank You.

I know that some kids get real fussy and some even get fevers. I've heard that some mothers give their kids medicine before they get the vaccines and some mothers just wait to see how the kid reacts....
Im wondering, should i just wait? Should i buy some Tylenol just in case i need it? What have some of you done?


  • Have some Tylenol on hand, I forget to give it to her before, but I always always give it to her when we get home. I can tell she feels icky, I'm going to do whatever I can to make her feel better. Don't plan on doing much 2 days after :)
  • Well my daughter has never had any effects from her vaccines but I've always had Tylenol around just in case. Actually one time before her shots cause I knew she was getting a lot and he blood drawn I gave her children ibuprofen beforehand.
  • @kimberly4411 @jules he's getting his 2 month vaccines. I think its 4, i need to double check. So should i just give him some before his appointment?
  • I wouldn't give mine any before but if I noticed he was acting any different I would give it to him after.
  • edited July 2013
    Our pediatrician has us wait until they check his weight just to be sure of the dosage ..but we always gave him tylenol before he got them, theyd let us know
  • I think they also want you to wait because they check the baby's temperature & Tylenol would affect the reading (i guess in case the baby might have a slight fever or something)
  • My daughter just had her 2 month shots yesterday. She got 3 shots and a liquid one. I waited and gave her Tylenol after so I would know the right dosage.
  • I always wait until after to give my son Tylenol because sometimes he doesn't need it.
  • This is going to sound crazy. But i read a article that showed the babies that had doses of tylenol before and after were something like three times more likely to be diagnoised with autism. I always gave my first two tylenol, but reading that scared me. With my new baby i decided to wait and see if it was really necessary. Shes had two sets of shots and didnt need anything.
    And this may be putting my two sense in where it isnt needed lol but i wish someone would have told me this with my first, because i didnt know i had a choice. But to me the amount of vaccines theh do at one time is soo exsessive. My daughter just had the vaccines that your son is having, but i refuseto have them done all at once. I split the four into two and do two in one appt and took her back two weeks later foe the other two. In my experience it greatly decreases the reaction they have, and if god forbid they do have a bad reaction it is easier to identify what caused it. Just a thought! :) good luck momma!
  • I would probably give him some asap because his little legs will be sore, even if there's no other reaction. If you're ever had a shot in the hip, leg or arm you know what I mean lol. Once when I was waking up from surgery I started going a little crazy & dry heaving & a nurse ran over & shot something in my quad. I went back to sleep & felt better when I woke up but I swear my leg was so sore I couldn't walk for days! Lol
  • I never heard of what @coltensmamma said about the autism link though so now idk! :/
  • Ive only read it in one place and to be honest i have no idea if it was like a backed study or anything like that lol it was just enough to make me nervous. They said something about the active ingredients im tylenol products and something in the vaccines that the body shouldnt have together in excess. Weird i know, dont know if its true or not...just a thought though lol :)
  • I wouldn't give anything before hand. My 2 year old has never had any reaction from his vaccines and it seems to me like if I gave him anything before would be unnecessary medication. Im always really cautious with what I give him and limiting when I do and how much because its too easy to over do it. He's never had the fever or fussiness or sore legs. Plus your dr might prefer that baby doesn't have medication before hand but if u get the ok for afterwards and your baby does get a little fever or fussiness than its ok to help them with pain/fever medicine
  • So i bought the medicine and have decided to just take it with me the day of the appointment and talk the pedi to see what he recommends i do. If he says its ok, i'll give him some medicine right after the appointment so that he will feel a little bit better because im sure he'll be sore. If he says to wait and see how he reacts to the medicine then i'll do that.
  • That's good idea! I would do same thing.
  • I give my daughter advil after. She usually reacts great to the vaccines. No fever, she don't cry much, etc. I usually give it to her just to be on the safe side and to help with pain in her legs from the shots.
  • We never have given it to Sidney before, but we always have her some after... just for leg soreness She only got a fever once or twice. Her reactions have almost always been just extra sleepy and a little fuss bucket. :)
  • I would wait until after the vaccines because if baby has a fever they will not do them. Also depending on if the office has a combined vaccine or not it should be on oral and then 3 or 4. Most pediatrician offices have combined vaccines and will do that in one leg and two in the other.
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