hi everyone remember me??

edited July 2013 in Trying to conceive
So my 2nd lil one is almost 2. Im ttc for #3. Its been awhile. I just got off birthcontrol last month. Had midcycle spotting then an early period after that I never startef my new pack of pills. Im on vitex to keep a regular period. I haven't ovulated & due for a period the 23rd. Good luck to me


  • Heyyyyyy helloooooooo!
  • Good luck...baby dust.
  • Hey how's things?? @2girls_2boys
    Thanks @2ndtimearound how r u?
  • Hey! Good luck to you trying can be emotionally hard here some baby dust :)
  • Good luck!!
  • I'm good, about 6 weeks preggers with #3. My son is 16 yrs old & my daughter is 22 months. I'm a little nervous because my appt not until the 26th & I have had a blighted ovum before. It doesn't help that I'm 39 years old. I hope you get pregnant right away.
  • @one5one good luck.....I'm finally back and I'm 26wks pregnant with my first boy
  • Hey, i remember you. And the rest of you too. Lol. How is everyone. Good luck on ttc. I hope you succeed. Im not sure if im ever going to try again. Lol. We have a 6yo, 4yo, and my daughter will be 2 in december. We've been talking a lot lately and have pretty much decided that we have completed our family. (With some slight hesitation) lol. Although we know we cant afford a 4th child and know it would be best to be done. I am not 100% sure im ready to tie up. If you know what i mean. I hope you get prego fast, it seems like a lot of the people i was on here with are pregnant again. So heres all the baby dust i can give. Lol.
  • Im 29 weeks with #4 ! Good luck a lot of baby dust for you!
  • Thanks @jules I just started for #3. #2 was conceived in 3months.
    @2ndtimearound my oldest daughter is 13 yrs old my youngest is 22months. My older girl hated the idea. She still doesn't like it but shes ok w the baby sometimes. I know she wont like a#3 but its parents choice not hers. But then the 2youngest can play & not bug her.
    @i_believe congratulations! !!!!!!
    @nameless not sure i remember u....had a different name? But hello!
    @angel26 thanks. I know how u feel. Im not even pregs but the thought of hanging up the baby towel saddens me. Maybe we can do #4 when we r 40+. My sis in law had#3 @ 40. Shes a gramma of 1. Mom to 22 yr old 16 yr old & 2months old
    @2girls_2boys congrats to u. Thanks!
  • Thats not too long as long as u have regular cycle shouldn't take too long. Both time it didn't take long I dont remember how long exactly it was with our first because we just said it will happen when it happens and then now I'm pregnant with our second and it took one time bc my cycle was perfect that month. I hope that happens with you!
  • I did...I just changed it. I remember you cause you to advise me on my mil situation lol
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  • My oldest cried when I first told him I was pregnant a couple years ago. He said he was afraid that I would stop paying attention to him. I lost that baby & he was upset he said "it's true what they say, you never know what you have till it's gone". So when I told him I was pregnant with my daughter he was happy, he adores his baby sister. I don't think he's thrilled about this pregnancy but he'll come around. I always tell him he'll be happy to have a bigger family when he's older.
  • @jules I usually irregular but I just got off the pill & hope I stick to the same cycle like I did when ttc for #2.
    @nameless what was your previous nsm if I may ask. Hope I helped e mil issues.
    @TricesBaby congrats to you! :-)
    @2ndtimearound I had to have baby early so when hub & oldest can to hospital nurse told her. She cryed so.loud. She still acts like she doesn't wanna be bothered most days.
  • I see, well from what I have seen its pretty easy get pregnant right off the pill. So hopefully thats be ur case.
  • @jules yep. But I have PCOS so my fingers are crossed.
  • Sorry not sure what that stands for?
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  • @TricesBaby thanks. I hate . Pcos
  • Pcos is absolutely horrible! Makes me feel like less of a woman due to lack of periods and difficulty ttc!
  • Many women in my family have pcos. Most of them developed it after having their first child, so it kinda scares me to know it could happen to me. I've had one loss and i just had a baby and i would eventually like to have more.
    One of my cousins has a 10 year old and a 1 year old. It took her 8 years to conceive her 1 year old. I have another cousin who has a 6 year and she has been TTC for almost 5 years and she hasn't had any luck. PCOS really does suck :(
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