Just some questions if anyone can answer.

edited July 2013 in Getting pregnant
I go to the dr next week but things are on my mind.
Im.on day 21 of a 29 day cycle. I stopped the Pill last cycle. I had a week long spotting during mid cycle last month while on the pill then then turned Iinto my period that came 5 days early. That was unusual because its been 29 days. So im not sure what it could've been. Theres was some stress between me & hub around that time. So now being that this.is 1st cycle off the pill, I'm hoping I get back to 29 days. Also I didnt ovulate...no +opk or mucus. Pretty dry this month. I sometimes used to get excess mucus midcycle on the pill.
Im on VITEX (1200mg daily) now along with metformin (1500mg daily). Started vitex 6days ago.
Your thoughts???
I have pcos but got pregnant 3 months after stopping bcp with #2 after 11 yrs. Mostly on bcp those years.


  • No one has any ideas what it could be?
  • I think it is just a result of your body adjusting to not having those synthetic hormones from the bc pills. I have pcos and struggle to have a period
  • I may look into the vitex...what do you think so far?
  • Hi @Star4221 its good & did regulate me. Im now pregnant. Though I am weaning because I've heard cold turkey causes miscarriage.
  • Congrats on the pregnancy! How far along are you? I did lots of research on the vitex and started taking it in august. I got a period less than a week after i started and have been pretty regular since! I am so happy for the results i have had with it and hope to give my son a a sibbling soon (if i can get my husband on board). @One5one
  • @one5one congrats on your pregnancy I just delivered my first son on October 1st I now have my 2 girls and a boy I'm done for now
  • Comgrats! @i_believe
    @Star4221 ill be posting another topic about my preg. So u can be updated
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