if you have a daughter please read

edited July 2013 in Babies Health
My daughter is 12 days today. I've noticed two hard lumps right where her breasts are and im thinking they shouldn't be there but idk it's my first girl. I know my son did not have these. I tried explaining to my mom over the phone since she lives in another state and can't see them she said its like her milk ducts but if they get bigger to call the dr. They've definitely gotten bigger since being home. The left one feels the size of a walnut the right one is a little smaller. It literally looks like she has boobs. My boyfriend has two other daughters and he said they never had these and wants me to call the dr tomorrow. I will, but im wondering if anybody elses daughter had these as an infant? I couldn't sleep at all last night I was thinking all.the worst things. Im going to Google it after posting this im just worried what I will find u know? Any thoughts?


  • I never saw them on ny daughter I read that milk can come out of babies nipples shortly after birth but I don't remember nothing about bumps I would call the Dr
  • I have a son and his chest was kinda like that. It was a little raised and hard, kinda like he had man hard boobs. By the time he had his two week appointment they had gone away. My mom said something about babies producing breast milk the first few days or something like that.
  • Totally normal! It's from the hormone surge during labor. Ollie got it. They went away soon after.
  • edited July 2013
    Both of my kids had them and their pedi said it was from their hormones evening out, especially if you breastfeed
  • Are you breastfeeding? Hormones you secrete and shortly after childbirth during the newborn phase you'll notice that your baby's, regardless if boy or girl, will have engorged mammary glands. It's totally normal.
  • Very very normal, it does go away after awhile just part of hormones they still have from you especially if your breastfeeding.
  • Normal indeed, especially if you breast feed, it happened to Madison, girls can also have a "period" type thing while the hormones are evening out
  • Totally normal!!!!
  • edited July 2013
    My last son, you could squeeze his nipples & milk would come out! The dr actually showed me at his 2 week check up. After that it was show & tell for the family because they couldn't believe it & thought it was funny. Lol
  • Yes I am breastfeeding, and I didn't breastfeed my son because of complications could that be why he didn't get boobies? I haven't noticed any fluid coming from her nipples but I am really glad that im hearing its normal. Very relieved. Thank you all for responding :) my boyfriend will still want me to call the pediatrician and I will to put him at ease but I will sleep better tonight because of all of you!
  • My daughter had "boobies". I dont remember them being hard, she definitely had lumps that looked like boobs. I remember it was when she was a newborn because it was when we had frequent appointments. The dr told us it was nornal, but I cant remember what caused it. It didnt take long to go away.
  • Yes, its normal
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