Post Partum Period.

edited July 2013 in Breastfeeding
I am still breastfeeding my almost 13 month old daughter and I still have not got my period at all. I'm almost missing it. My Husband and I have been having unprotected sex and I'm probably not going to end up pregnant because I'm breastfeeding too much. All night,every night. When did you ladies get your first period breastfeeding your little one? And when should I go see my OB if my period never comes?


  • I was just like you...i wanted to start trying again but hadnt gotten a period. I finally gave in amd stopped nursing at like 14 months. I didnt get a period until like 45 days after i stopped nursing and got pregnant the following month. Some people just dont have periods while nursing i guess??
  • I got a regular period a month after I stoppedy PP bleeding & I was breast feeding. I always had regular cycles while nursing. Also I got pregnant with my second while I was breast feeding. So don't use that as a form of birth control. It happens.
  • Wish I could help but I got my regular cycle not too long after pp bleeding even though I was breatfeeding. But if ur using it as form as birth control I too wouldn't count on it anything is possible.
  • Are you trying to get pregnant?
  • I didn't get mine till like a day shy of 18 months!!
    Still bfing her..she'll be 22months.
  • edited July 2013
    & I was very surprised by how light it has become. I used to get it very heavy & after so long of not having would think! Lol
  • We aren't trying to get pregnant but we just recently stopped using condoms. We're kind of doing the NFP method but if we get pregnant that's okay too. I just miss my period. I feel like less of a woman when my period is missing. I feel like a young menopausal lady. Did any of you feel that way too?
  • No hahhaa. I'd love not having it!
  • @nameless you would think I would love not having it too but I always think that if I'm not having one then something is wrong or I can't get pregnant anymore. And I want ALOT of kids! I just can't wait for it to come so I can just be "normal" again.
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