Could EPO help me?

edited July 2013 in Pregnant
I've had 9 successful vaginal births, BUT I still have really long labors. It takes me 15+ hours of hard labor to get to transition (about 8cm for me). Luckily, transition is very short...15-30 minutes to get from 8cm to delivery. I'm wondering if EPO or something could help me have a shorter labor? The 15+ hours of hard labor is usually AFTER a week of prodomal labor that gets me to 3 or 4cm before the real thing kicks in. Thanks for any ideas/advice! :)


  • Well it will help thin the cervix doesnt change the opening if it but at same time if it's thinned out there could be a chance it would help the cervix open up faster. Same thing with sex. Other then that u can try red raspberry leaf tea its yummy too. And when u get closer stay active with walking, stairs, using exercise ball which is same as birthing ball. At end of the day those thing may help but ur body is gonna do whatever it wants to do. But 15 hrs isnt horrible with my first daughter it was total of 13 hrs from time my water broke at home until she was out. It didn't seem bad at the time, im hoping this time around it goes just as well.
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  • @homebirthadvocate I just read the reviews of the product very interested in trying it this time. So you think I can use it with my epo bc I know my epo did it's job for sure so would like to use that again!
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  • Im sorry but someone tell me what epo is
  • @megaroo its evening primrose oil. Its a supplement taken orally and/or vaginally and it helps to soften the cervix among other things
  • @HomeBirthAdvocate thanks, I'll definitely try that! How do I take the epo along with it & when do I start?
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