Severe Diaper Rash- please help

My 3 week old developed a very bad diaper rash out of nowhere today, I was just changing his diaper and noticed his booty is so red and is bleeding a little. what should I do?? I never ever death with diaper rash with my other son much less diaper rash this severe...please help.


  • Its bleeding? Maybe take him to the pedi or call and see what they say my daughter is very sensitive and gets rashes easily. I never had it bleed but when its bad we do aveeno oatmeal bath and have.her sit in it for awhile and then use butt paste that stuff works wonders.
  • It could be from the type of diaper does it have blue inside? My daughter is allergic to those. But I would stay away from diaper while his awake just use towel let it dry out. Oatmeal bath is good but if u can find desitine powder for bath its miracle! And when u do have diaper lots powder to keep it dry as much as possible.
  • Whenever my daughter gets a bleeding diaper rash its due to yeast. Athletes foot cream (its antifungal) plus a&d ointment works miracles!!
  • Keep the diaper off as much as possible and if you have breast milk, put some on it. Seriously breast milk helps everything.
  • When my son has had a few crazy spells of terrible diaper rash. Could be the diaper, but in my son's case he had always used the same diaper. When it started we were staying at my grannys and she used wet paper towels to wipe him, rather than baby wipes and then she'd put cornstarch on his butt. Never fails, it ALWAYS clears him up.
  • Thanks everyone, I have been wiping him with wash cloths and water, patting his booty dry then putting Aquaphor and then Desitin and it has cleared up.
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