I'm so nervous, I hope everything is okay, I had a blighted ovum once at a first ultrasound. Please keep me in your thoughts tomorrow, that we find a heartbeat.
@pregnantELF@2lilblessings Thanks, it went well, they could see the baby & heartbeat but I'm not as far along as I thought. They gave me due date of March 11th. I calculated it to be March 4th-6th. I hope that it's accurate & that it's not just measuring small because there is a problem.
@hopefulmom2be. Yes, it's possible, we had sex a couple days after my fertile period so suppose itcould have been a late ovulation. I see a perinatalogist so they constantly monitor the baby's growth during my pregnancy. I won't have another appt for a few weeks though.
Thanks, it went well, they could see the baby & heartbeat but I'm not as far along as I thought. They gave me due date of March 11th. I calculated it to be March 4th-6th. I hope that it's accurate & that it's not just measuring small because there is a problem.