hand foot and mouth!

edited July 2013 in Health
I'm freaking out my 2 year old has it and I'm 6 months pregnant anyone else dealt with it?


  • edited July 2013
    Yes, it will go away in a week or so & I don't think it's harmful for you being pregnant. Of course it's miserable for your 2 year old though. :( It's a very common childhood virus.
  • I called my ob and they said it cold cause some defects to my unborn (worse case sanareo) @Wilsomom
  • Oh wow, I didn't know that! Yikes!
  • Awwwww I hope your little one feels bettet soon <3
  • I don't see how it would effect the baby if u never get it? Hope ur ob is wrong and that everything be ok!
  • @Jules it can cause it if it get it which they said I shouldn't they said most adults are amune to it
  • edited July 2013
    What does it look like? My daughter has a funky rash on her, just wondering if it looks the same.
  • That's not true. My son had it back in the spring when I was 6weeks preggo and my dr said it wasn't anything to worry about. It's in the chicken pox family so it's not life threatening just very unpleasant for you kiddo that has it. I'm now 21weeks and still perfectly fine.
  • @heather3girls1boy its a bunch of bumps that looks like chicken pox it will be all over there hands fingers feet legs mouth and diaper area some cases it can be inside the mouth to my son has it everywhere but in his mouth its very contagious
  • Well thats good news hope u dont get it and ur lo gets well soon!
  • All 3 of my kids had it an my baby cousin a couple months ago. They all had tons an tons of ulcers in there mouth an there gums an mouth hurt they couldn't eat. They ran fever for about 5days an the sores kept spreading up until it started to go away they had it for a good 2-3 weeks. My 1 year old had big blisters on her lips an chin was horrible they never got it anywhere but it did keep spreading in there mouth. Good luck hope it passes soon it was so horrible
  • Hopefully u won't get it. I know myself and a few other moms on here contacted it when their kids did. So it's not too rare (like the doctors say) for adults to get it. It's a miserable sickness that lasts weeks and just has to run it's course.
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