Pediatric Allergist?!?

edited July 2013 in Babies Health
Has anyone been referred to take their little one to an allergist? My daughter's Dr made the referral today and said it would be blood work and minimal skin testing...when i called the specialist they said they do full skin and blood tests from infancy on. I'm not comfortable with that bc I had a full allergy test at 10 and it wad hell. So far our youngest daughter (6 months old) is on a lactose and soy free formula (nutramigen) and has now shown an allergy or sensitivity to orange veggies (vomiting, constipation, mild swelling etc). Has anyone else dealt with this? Any advice?


  • edited July 2013
    I've never heard of skin testing so young. They always just did blood work when my son was little. Here's a bump for you though.
  • Well my cousins kid has been through it all. It might be different type of full skin test when it comes to kids. And its better to be safe then sorry and know exactly what ur lo can and cant have especially if its making ur child uncomfortable which im sure it is. Its always hard to go through any kind of testing but sounds like in ur case its worth it..
  • Noooooooo no skin test the blood work its enough don't expose your lil one to that all my lil ones got blood work tested .... I don't care what they say no ones gonna put nothing on my babies
    Skin hell no!
  • My daughter has an allergist. They did skin testing and she was about 18mos out so. She did really good with it and her dr is amazing. She didn't cry or anything. I know your lo is younger but hopefully your will get some answers.
  • She had the scratch teddy done because the bloodwork came back inconclusive.
  • my son did the back skin testing I hated it but it was worth it and he got blood work we find out many things he's allergic I think I made a post with pics not to sure but it was the same as ur post
  • its called skin test today it has pics were they poke him 20 times n he's back its there is it helps
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