working from home

What do you ladies think about it. What kind of jobs can you do from home? Im not good a sales but i really want to be home with my kids. But we need to incomes. I definatly cant keep doing what im doing. Please give your experiances and opinions.


  • I watch a girl about 3-4 times a week in my apartment. I charge 40$ a day ( she is here from 1pm-10:30pm) and it helps alot! I went to and and just put my resume up and applied for jobs. It worksgreat
  • @maymommy2011 i have 3 kids and dont have room to watch anymore. Lol.
    @mommy2b123 im not good a sales. So im trying to stay away from that kinda thing. I also need to try getting a computer.
  • @mommy2b123 is there a start up fee?
  • I sell it works and make really good money. It has allowed me to stay home with my daughter. I love it bc it sells itself and the bonuses are great! I also still get a great paycheck even tho I don't get out much bc this pregnancy has been hard.
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