Sucks his hands after his feedings. Is that normal? Or could it mean something? I doubt he's still hungry cause lately he doesn't finish the 4oz i make him. What can the reason for that be?
My daughter is almost 3 months and does it all the time now too. My oldest did it too and her old pedi said that babies teeth shift before they actually cut them but he wasn't a very good doctor so who knows.
@monkey_girl@morgdeebee@mommylovessparkle@wilsomom@jules thanks girls i always give him a pacifier (the soothie) but lately he just likes sucking on his hands. I feel bad for him now because the formula he was on was milk based and a few weeks ago he started throwing it up and his bowel moments started changing so we switched to soy and even though he's been taking it a little better, he's now constipated
I think its good cause the hands probably get out of that stage easier then paci. Whatever works is is what ive done most time lol long as my kids arehealthy and happy!
Man good luck I wish I was that brave my daughter has always only used hers to fall asleep. Then she spits it out. She never been fan of being rocked or anything to sleep. She just likes to be in her bed her room dark with little blanket and paci. She's great sleeper that I've never taken it away to scared see what happens lol. Maybe she be like I was one day just doesn't want it anymore...I was told that's what I did just threw it one day and never looked back.
@jules well the good thing is that my son doesn't like his paci too much. When he gets a little fussy cause he's bored or something, i give him the paci and he spits it right out. As far as sleeping goes, my routine is shower, then i feed him and then i put him down and he goes to sleep on his own. I don't rock him or anything. Maybe as he gets older i'll do: shower, bottle/story time and then off to bed. Eventually i'll add a potty break between bottle/story time and bed time so that he can go to sleep with out having accidents. Hopefully that works, but if it doesn't then i'll have to do what us mommies do best: figure something out lol
@perly that's what we did for Scarlett at that age we never had to rock or nothing..And ya don't need to worry about story time or nothing yet. Got lots time ahead to do it!
@stephforever89 he's doing good. He's 12lbs 13oz and 24 inches long. He's always smiling and kicking and yelling lol. He was constipated this past weekend but he's all better now. How's Kailyn?
She spoiled to her mommy . She weighed Little over 9lbs a couple weeks ago. She still breastfeeding. She my little social butterfly. Constipation is normal according. To my doctor Kailyn went like 4 days. With out pooping. Told the doctor she said anything over week is when she would be concerned.
@stephforever89 Adrian got constipated because he became lactose intolerant and we had to switch his formula. He was in a lot of pain and he even bled a little so i was very worried but i gave him prune juice watered down and that did the trick.
I feel bad for him now because the formula he was on was milk based and a few weeks ago he started throwing it up and his bowel moments started changing so we switched to soy and even though he's been taking it a little better, he's now constipated
Maybe as he gets older i'll do: shower, bottle/story time and then off to bed. Eventually i'll add a potty break between bottle/story time and bed time so that he can go to sleep with out having accidents.
Hopefully that works, but if it doesn't then i'll have to do what us mommies do best: figure something out lol
How's Kailyn?