Toddler Sleep Problems

edited August 2013 in Pregnant
For 2 1/2 weeks now my 21 mo old cries when it is time for bed. We have been doing the CIO method, but it isnt working. She cries (and screams) herself to sleep every night. I am at a loss for what to do to fix this. It isnt that she doesnt want to sleep, but that she doesnt want to go to her bed.
Has anyone else experienced this. The only advice I've been getting is to let her cry it out and she will get over it in a couple of days, but this isnt working.


  • Poor baby, CIO clearly isn't working, that's too much for both of ya'll to go through.
    Have you tried an earlier bedtime? She may be too tired to settle down. Have you tried snuggling or patting her? Not to sleep but just long enough to get her settled.
    Anything different with her bed? Have you checked it to make sure nothing is poking or bothering her?
  • Since I've put my 22 month old in a toddler bed, I let her lay in bed and watch a 20 minute Curious George episode on the iPad before she has to go to sleep. This is her "calm time" to chill out and get sleepy. Its worked really well. Maybe try something like that? Reading books maybe?
  • I do the same ^ Madison is in a full size bed and can get up and down, I leave some books on the floor that she can read if she isn't ready to sleep. We have a webcam thing in there so I can watch her
  • Well I've just recently had to start an earlier bed time. My daughter has always been great sleeper puts herself down and 13 hrs straight sleep..then she started crying so after two nights I put her down 30 minutes earlier that worked for me. I didn't even hear anything from her room right to bed like before. And I'm not sure what's your routine like but that's important to make sure theyare worn out but have calm time I usually read couple books hope that can help you.
  • Was she sleeping good before this? I do know some ladies here had the same problem not that long ago. I just don't remember who it was.
  • She was doing great before. She would tell us she wanted her bed and then go stand at her crib. Occassionally she'd get a little fussy but always went right to sleep. Now all of a sudden it's like she is afraid of being in their alone. Her calm down time is cuddling with me. She will crawls up on my lap and lays there. I've been doing this to let her get nice and sleepy before putting her in the crib. When I say are you ready for bed or is it night night time she starts saying "no... nooo" and then she starts crying. By the time you get her in her crib she is usually screaming.
    Last week she was only crying for about 10 minutes before going to sleep... now it goes on forever. My husband the past two nights has gone in there and stood in her room until she's alseep. You have to wait though until she is completely sleep. She will close her eyes and then open them to see if you're still there.
    We have a nightlight in her room. I'm thinking about getting out her sound machine. It didn't work when she was a baby, but maybe it will now.
    I don't know... I don't want her to become dependent on us being in there, but I feel like this is torture for all three of us.
    Thanks @Kimberly4411 @1stWoodsBaby @jules @perly
  • Maybe it's time for a toddler bed, if she has to go through all of that might as well transition her. I'd try the noisemaker, but it sounds heartbreaking =(( I couldn't imagine letting Madison scream it out
  • Oh man thats hard especially since shes done so well until now. I think the sound machine is worth a try and maybe she can try no light. My daughter cant stand having light in her room maybe she will think ur still in there? I would keep trying different things hope something works soon! I wonder what changed its like she's all the sudden scared being in there for some reason.
  • This works for me sometimes...if you can say "I'll be right back" & leave for a couple minutes without her crying, then keep extending the time until it's long enough for her to go asleep & eventually she'll get used to going asleep on her own again.
  • Have you tried supernanny's method?
    Basically what she does is, do your regular bedtime routine and put her down and say "its bedtime". You said she's still in her crib so im assuming she can't get out, so if thats the case then just sit next to the crib once you put her down and don't make contact with her while she's awake. Then every night after that sit a little further away from her crib until one day you're completely out of her room. If you need too, let 2 days pass by each time before you move away from the crib again. I know it might be kind of hard to sit there and hear her cry the first couple of days but up to what i've seen if you are consistant it eventually works. Its just up to you to decide if this is a method you'd like to try.
  • Jack has been doing the same exact thing. I put him in a toddler bed on Monday and it's been better. I sit or lay with him until he's asleep.
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