Breastfeeding by pump only. Has anyone tried this?
I do plan to breastfeed but it will be through pumping. I am going to feed from the breast at the hospital but when I get home I'm just going to use a pump. Mainly because I'm afraid the baby might not latch on to my nipple and when I get frustrated I end up quitting so I figured the pump will work best for me. It'll be easier on my mom when she watches the baby when I return to work. Also for S/O too.
My question is have any of you moms had success only pumping without their supply running low? Or do I need baby on breast to help out with my supply?
I will continue to take my prenatal vitamins along with Fenugreek and Mothers Milk Tea.
My question is have any of you moms had success only pumping without their supply running low? Or do I need baby on breast to help out with my supply?
I will continue to take my prenatal vitamins along with Fenugreek and Mothers Milk Tea.
@jules: Do you have her name or page? That's one of the same reasons why I want to pump.
Sadly pumps not always work and the don't totally empty your breast wich will cause you supply to diminish and even clogged ducts and mastitis (it hurts like hell it gets you really sick)
When considering pumping put cons and pros
Chose wisely your Breast pump you will need a double electric pump if you are planing to pump more than one feeding a day ... I'm a mother of 4 fully breastfeed kids and believe me its not easy
And the all stopped after a yr.
It does take just as much dedication ..sometimes more to pump then to bf. See more people giving up sooner because they don't like the results they get w/pumping.
Just make sure you pump on schedule..never skip a pumping session
When i was still pregnant, i had A LOT of milk and it would literally drip. For some reason when i had my baby it dried up. My son would latch just fine but he would get frustrated because there was nothing coming out. So i gave up right away and when my milk finally came in again, he wanted nothing to do with. I tried to get him to latch for like 2 weeks straight and he just wasn't having it anymore. I had bought a pump because i was planning on bf and bottle feeding just in case i needed someone to watch him, so that he could eat without problem. I pumped 7-8 times a day and it still wasnt enough. My milk slowly dried up. I ended up just giving up and formula feeding.
My advice is, if bf is what you want to do then try to be as patient as you can and just keep trying. I'll be honest, its hard as hell especially for first time moms but its not impossible.
Whatever you decide to do, i hope it works out for you
this article is great! Hope it helps
As for breastfeeding in general. I'm ready for it, and I am glad you mommies are encouraging breastfeeding. I have some family members that are not helpful at all. Pretty much most of my cousins have tried it and gave up within days or a week or two or didn't try it at all. The ones who tried it said it hurt and wasn't worth it and went straight to formula. I had one cousin who did try to pump, because her daughter wouldn't latch, but her supply was low.
@NylasMommy: I think @jules was asking did you have any success exclusively pumping.
I wished you all the luck and you could contact me anytime for breastfeeding help :X
I look at it as 50/50. There is a 50% chance he won't latch on and there is a 50% chance he will latch on. Which I pray he does.
Still even if he does latch on I will still pump because after my maternity leave is up I have to go back to work and my mom will be watching him on days we have to work.
@2girls_2boys: Thanks.
@jules: Exactly.
@NylasMommy: Glad you had success. That is encouragement to me.