Hyperemesis anyone?

edited March 2011 in October 2011
This is baby#2 for me and I'll be 8 weeks tomorrow and have been sick for weeks but it's starting to get really bad. The second food went into my body it came up today. I don't want to get as sick as I did the first time. I had a pic line for 3 1/2 months last time.


  • Anyone have this? I'm looking for support and sympathy.
  • I had it with my last viable pregnancy and am 8 weeks 2 days now with it again. I am actually having home health set up tomorrow...I feel your pain, its horrible!! It has actually made my mind up this time will be my last.
  • I have had that with 2 of my 5 children (I'm expecting #5), I was put on Zofran. It definitely is the miracle medicine when its that extreme, especially if you have other children that you need to be home for, not spending time hooked up to IV's in a hospital bed. Plus hospitals are so uncomfortable. I hope all goes well for you & your baby, feel better soon! There's also a website that sells a 'morning sickness survival kit', here is the link. I have used it for my last 2 children, helped a lot! http://www.doulashop.com/products/morning-sickness-relief/morning-sickness-kit-deluxe.html
  • Yeah I've already had my first iv treatment and we're going to talk about home health care or a pic line.
  • I'm really starting to think I may have this condition. This is my second pregnancy. First time around nausea was pretty bad. But nothing compared to this! I have been vomiting since 1 am without stopping atleast 15 times. Is there anything over the counter I can take or should I just go to the e.r.
  • @lacey_429 Er or urgent care. You are probably dehydrated and if it gets bad you can mis carry. You need to get fluids. Im on zofran that dissolves under the tongue so you don't throw it up. If it gets bad they can do home health care or pic line or hospitslize you. What ever your ob thinks. Get to the hospital fast and good luck.
  • I had hyperemisis with my 1st child for the duration. It was so bad I was only 1lb over my regular weight at delivery, used all my FMLA before the baby was born and was laid off, had a home nurse with a injection machine I had to carry w/ me at all times, and finally at 38 wks I was induced because I was beyond depressed. When I found out about this baby I cried scared that I would have to live like that for 9 months. Its a tough road to travel but when I had a healthy 7lbs 3oz baby boy it all was okay. Plus after delivery I was a skinny size 3, the day after giving birth. You'll make it because its in a womans dna.
  • Marajuana has been used for a very long time for this during pregnancy. Read jamacian mothers medicinal marajuana studies. I dealt with this during 3 pregnancys lost 14 lbs first month...and it went on and on. I was miserable.the maraj. Saved my babies. I had huge appetite,was able to eat again and actually enjoying food.It elevated and stabilized my moods,and babies were big! Most rasta moms (in jamiacan studies) delivered babies who were a half pound to a pound bigger on average. As far as I can find...no evedence of birth defects. My kids are 2 grades ahead for their age.Investigate it. It could be a cheap safe way to go.
  • Yeah I have it bad I'm 9 weeks and I can barly eat or drink even though I'm taking my meds but I also have chorns
  • Hows everyone doing? I'm over 11 weeks now and have lost 15 pounds. I've stayed away from home health care but just barely. I can only keep about 32oz of fluid down a day.
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