labor induction and autism
After reading this, I'm curious to know if any mothers of autistic children on Pregly were induced.
After reading this, I'm curious to know if any mothers of autistic children on Pregly were induced.
@candy101 My old coworker was told the same thing when her daughter was 2 1/2. I can't remember if she was induced or not.
@wilsomom I know, if I have a second baby I am 99% sure I am having a homebirth. And if I can't for some reason, I am 100% sure I'm not gonna let them even THINK they're gonna push me around. Tessa came early so I wasn't induced but they forced me to let them take her away for "testing" for four hours and she suddenly started having breathing problems and had to spend 6 days in the nicu. After she came out perfectly fine and scored a 9 on the apgar scale. I know in my gut she needed to be with me and the separation is what caused her issues. I think about it everyday and it kills me. Luckily she's totally fine now but I really struggled nursing her because of it and I'll never get those 6 days back.
@homebirthadvocate I couldn't agree more.
@2ndtimearound does your daughter have a learning issues?