How early did you guys start showing with 2nd?

edited August 2013 in Second pregnancy
Im a small girl and quite thin. Im 6 weeks and 3 days, and i think i see a small tiny shape change with my stomach. I didnt start showing till I was 5 or 6 months with my first. By the end i still had a tiny bump. Im curious to know how fast the second baby can be?

I keep thinking that my tummy will be bigger then last time. Lol.


  • I am 4 feet 11 inches and was 90 pounds when I got pregnant with my first and it started looking like bump at 5 months..this time I was 22 weeks so 5 and half months once it looked like can't bump so took little longer actually that's when I posted picture I here. Everyone is different plus depends on how the baby is sitting in there. And my bump was very small until the end I looked like normal height women does at 7 months.
  • At 6 weeks it is just bloat. I'm 7 weeks today and have severe boating to where it looks like I have a bump already and this is my 3rd. With my second I showed around 20 weeks whereas I didn't show with my first until about 28
  • With my second i started showing at around 12-13 weeks but my belly really popped out at around 17-18 weeks.
  • With my second I didn't show til at least 5 months
  • I started showing very early with my second. Like 10-12 weeks
  • Around 7 weeks and in maternity clothes completely by 9/10 weeks. I personally dont agree that it us always bloat at that stage. Mine never went away. I never felt bloated. I will be 14 weeks tomorrow and look 5+ mos. My dr said some woman show a lot sooner with their second, especially the closer together the babies are. I asked at my 12 week why I already have a bump when the baby is still so low. He said your stomach muscles arent as strong after the first so it starts getting pushed out sooner. Also, your body remembers being pregnant and just starts reacting.
  • Thats how my tummy is getting too, it looks a little chubbier then before. I didnt think id be bloating cause like yours mine isnt going away. Its pretty crazy how our body remeber these things. Im praying i dont show too quickly, id like to survive this pregnancy without stretch marks like my last LOL
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