kids do the darnest things

edited August 2013 in Just for Fun
Well last night Jeremy's old high-school friend dropped by the house. We were all talking in the living room. Well Isaiah walked upstairs decides to get into mommy's &daddy's naughty drawer. He then proceeds to make his way down stairs . Next thing I know our friend is looking up asking what he has in his hand. I turn and look up and it my freaking vibrator. All I could do was laugh. Of course our friend had the comment of cool story bro. I replied back with don't tell again lmao. But I'm not embarrassed I should have put up higher lol.


  • Lol that's hilarious, I can just imagine!
  • My boy is a mess lol. I'm just glad it didn't have batteries in it. Or that he didn't try handing it to someone.
  • Lol my son has done the same thing, glad no one was over lol and Last night he got a condom out of the drawer and brought it out saying nandy nandy. Ha ha time for me to hide stuff.
  • He has gotten into our lube numerous times. I don't wanna move. The naughty drawer lol. Its in such a convenient place. @jessibear
  • Lol! My son finds mine and walks around with it saying uh oh uh oh I don't know why!
  • Lol I'm glad I'm not the only one that has a child getting into the naughty drawer.
  • Ha ha ours is too. :)
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