being sued

edited August 2013 in VENT (keep it peaceful!)
I was in a accident in January. I am now being sued over it for 2000.00 my insurance company found me not at fault so did her insurance company but now she is coming after me. I had no damage to my vehicle. The cops and insurance company all told me that she was crazy. I got worried about her she has my address phone number I started carrying my gun. My insurance company said she is probably going to call me she called them all day after they made decision. Now this my husband said not to stress its going to effect us TTC.but how do o not worry


  • If she keeps harassing you, call the cops and put a restraining order against her. You have insurance and they found you not at fault so she can't sue you. And even if she could she would be suing your insurance not you. Take a breather and don't stress.
  • Well what would she being suing for in the first place if it's all been solved? Was she hurt? But yes if your worried and scared I would just call the cops explain the situation and it wouldn't hurt to have a restraining order I'm sure you will feel a lot better if anything.
  • Suing me for damages to her car. She isn't happy with the insurance company I go to court in October. Since my insurance company won't pay she is coming after me but my insurance company said if she did this then she is stupid and they have a legal time. Its just frustrating because I am TTC and the hubby is worried about money we have to kids already its almost like really is this a sign not ttc. I don't have money just to give away :(
  • Don't worry if ur insurance company sounds confident it will be ok. Shes just wasting her money and time especially if both her and ur insurance agreed no judge is gonna wanna waste time when the issue has been already sloved on both sides. And don't stess about this issue with having a baby u enjoy ur life and husband and u guys do what u want and I wish u the best in ttc.
  • Well you are most likely going to court. Unless she has evidence that somehow got overlooked by cops and insurance companies then don't worry about. Make sure u show up small claims will rule in her favor if your a no show.
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