My lady parts hurt :(.....Update

edited August 2013 in Pregnant
For the last three days now I've been feeling really sore in my pubic area. It feels like I got punched in the crotch super hard, almost like I'm bruised down there. My hubby and I haven't had sex recently and I haven't fallen or been hit it that area so I don't know what it could be. It only bothers me when I stand up from a sitting position and walk, which I do like a million times a day so frequently in pain. I'm only 25weeks and I don't remember this with my first. Has anyone else had this happen? Should I ask my doctor on Friday when I go in for my next check?

*****So I went to the Dr and she said it was normal. She also did a check just in case and told me I have vericose veins and that's why I'm having so much soreness and a "bruised" feeling. She said it should ease up after delivery but that's not till December :(


  • edited August 2013
    I've been like that this entire pregnancy! It started off like that and now my entire pelvic area has been in pain, like anything I do kills me. Definitely ask your doctor but I'm pretty sure they'll say it's normal.

    I've been seeing a chiropractor that has been giving me pelvic massages and has also recommended a few exercises that have helped a lot!
  • I would bring it up to your dr just so they're aware of it, but I'm pretty sure it's normal too. My second pregnancy I started hurting a lot sooner than with my first. I was working too so every time I got up from sitting to standing and from standing to sitting (and let's be honest, all the walking inbetween :-) ) was KILLER. Tylenol is about all you can do. I would ask your dr too about possibly using a heating pad down there for a bit at the end of the day. that might help as well.
  • I have this on and off im 25 weeks but I'm bad example since I've had bad contractions last night and middle of the night. Waiting to for my doc to call back still.
  • Thanks ladies, I'll check with my dr tomorrow. I think you all are right and this is normal but it sucks so bad. @musicmomma I'm still working too and it's awe full.
    @jules I saw your post about contractions and I hope things are ok now.
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