possible fluid on nephews brain...... anybody have any information

So my nephew has had CVS for the last 5 years. In the last 2 weeks something else was going on. His puking got worse and lasted longer then a normal episode he also was in a lot of pain and with a normal episode he was in no pain.
So we took him to the doctor and she said that since he has already been to a GI specialist then the mext step was to go to a neurologist to check for fluid on the brain. She said that it's a possibility and left is with that. She gave no other option to what might be causing this for him.

So we are lost and are freaking out. We will not be able to know anything for the next 4 mont
hs until he gets in for his testing.

Oh my nephew just turned 8 in july

Anybody know anything about anything lol we have been googling and thats not helping ease our minds


  • I dont know. However I'll be keeping him in my thoughts and prayers!
  • I have no idea either, but they can't be too concerned or else they'd be getting him in a lot quicker than 4 months. Good luck Hun!
  • what's ur nephews name
  • @Roxy hos name is Tyler.
    we got the paper work so we can make his appointment. All I we can do is wait. I'll update when we know more
  • dear lord please look over Tyler God we ask u to take any pain he's feeling away God in the name of Jesus we ask if u can take away any sickness hes dealing with god in the name of Jesus lord help he's parents get threw this hard time there dealing with Jesus let them know your here for them lord in the name of Jesus amen
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