any tips for potty training? (kinda long)
My 20month daughter is constantly taking off her diaper now and this last time she it off right before she peed on my floor! She takes it off usually when it's ready to be changed or she's pooped but recently it's been right before im assuming she feels the need to go because the diaper won't be soiled and she doesn't pull it off and run around as if she's playing a game with us, she will take it off and hand it right to either my husband or I. She has a potty and has had it since 13 months, she goes and lifts up the top amd just sits on it whenever I go to the bathroom and she gets on it without a pamper before bath time. She's accustomed to it but won't sit down for more than a few seconds, idk where to start with getting her trained and out of these diapers! I'd love to have her fully trained by the time this new baby arrives!