I'm going crazy :(

edited August 2013 in Pregnant
I just wish I knew what was going on with ny body. Since I had the mc a month ago I've been taking hpt they went faint as soon as I stopped bleeding but stayed faint for a while then went to negative then the next week back to faint I thought I was pg again but had my levels check 10 days ago and they were at a 14. I got positives until 5 days ago it went back to negative now I tested today and got another faint positive :( I wouldn't think it would take this long for levels of 14 to get to 0!!! I just know my period won't come until its to zero and I HATE that I have no idea when ill start bleeding!


  • Have you talked to your doctor about it?
  • Yea last week when he checked my levels he said it could take time but since they were 14 he said its considered a completed mc. So he wasn't going to check my levels again. We have been having sex since I stopped bleeding and I really want this to be a new bfp but dr said its unlikely. Ijust think Is crazy that it can takes weeks for my levels to go down from 14
  • You need two draws, esp since you've continued to get bfps
  • I would ask them to take your blood again and check the levels. I mean if that's what you want and your insurance covers it or you have no problem paying for it and have the time then I would. Or at least call again tom morning tell them what's going on and you would like the doc to get back to you with an answer. Especially if it's positive again tom morning. Good luck. He may be right it's too soon but his not God anything is possible :)
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