how do you handle time-out?

edited August 2013 in "Terrible Two's"
Yesterday my daughter threw a huge fit, because i wouldnt allow her to play with my new cell phone. She ran to her bedroom to pout. She came back out to the couch wherei was and hit me on the head. Then ran back to the room. What the hell? So i got up and put her in her bed and said time out! You do not hit mommy! Of course she doesnt like it bit afyer 5 mins she was good again.

Im curious to know how everyone handles their timeouts for your misbehaved kiddies.


  • Consistency...that's the only I believe it works
    Including anyone else watching her.
    Lots of people say it doesn't work. It didn't work for them..then say "I've tried everything" = obviously you weren't consistent since you are trying other things

    My daughter thinks I'm playing when I put her in time 3 she'll fully I'm not lol. She sees her bro in tine out so she kinda behaves

    Good luck!
  • I agree with being consistent!!! When my son (he's almost two) does something he shouldn't be doing, I tell him what it is he's doing that is not ok and then I tell him to go sit down until he's all done. I have him sit in the same spot every time. when it's screaming or crying or yelling no I let him decide when he's all done. and after he says he's all done I remind him no more crying or screaming. if it's something major, like hitting, then I decide when he's all done. and if he tries to get up before he's actually all done, I make him sit back down. but I always tell him before WHY he's sitting down and I always remind him after he's done what it is that is not ok to do.
  • Consistent is a good techinque! Its so hard disaplining my daughter, she always thinks things she does is funny or a game. When were out in public it gets so much worse! She really tries to show how independant she is.
  • Difference from my son & daughter is very independent and rather do everything on her own & when anyone helps her she's not a happy camper lol!
    Yes sorry I forgot most important part besides consistency...let them know why & give each hugs after..
  • Being consistent is the best way. At home or daycare my son does great because its always the same time out spot. But when we are in public and he acts out I really struggle because he knows he can get away with it :(
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