No aunt flow yet, help.
My postpartum bleeding lasted about 6weeks or so. I started taking BC (Lo Loestrin Fe) at 6 weeks pp. The bleeding stopped and now im 13wks pp and i still haven't had a period. Im not bf, so that's not why i haven't had a period.
Anyone have this happened? Is it normal?
This didn't happen to me when i miscarried my daughter. I had pp bleeding for 6weeks too and then i started the same BC and i got my period at the end of the pack the way i was supposed too. I've gone through 2 packs now and i still haven't had my period.
Anyone have this happened? Is it normal?
This didn't happen to me when i miscarried my daughter. I had pp bleeding for 6weeks too and then i started the same BC and i got my period at the end of the pack the way i was supposed too. I've gone through 2 packs now and i still haven't had my period.
Its not the right time financially, and i had a c-section so its not the right time physically either. Im gonna buy a test, just in case but i doubt it.
My cycle finally started earlier this week. I was told the same thing that my BC can cause me to miss a cycle or two here and there. Im not really ok with that because i don't want to have problems in the future when i decide to try again, so i was told that if i miss my period again to call in and my dr will give me something else.
Like i said, i love kids and i know i want 2 more but this is not the time for another baby. I want my kids a few years apart, and im also not in a very good financial position to have another baby. That's why im being very cautious about getting pregnant again. I mean, if it happens then it just means it was meant to be but i know im covering all bases on my end....
(im weird i know. I just like to kinda plan stuff out. It helps me feel like everything is under control.)