No aunt flow yet, help.

edited August 2013 in Postpartum Health
My postpartum bleeding lasted about 6weeks or so. I started taking BC (Lo Loestrin Fe) at 6 weeks pp. The bleeding stopped and now im 13wks pp and i still haven't had a period. Im not bf, so that's not why i haven't had a period.

Anyone have this happened? Is it normal?
This didn't happen to me when i miscarried my daughter. I had pp bleeding for 6weeks too and then i started the same BC and i got my period at the end of the pack the way i was supposed too. I've gone through 2 packs now and i still haven't had my period.


  • Are you breastfeeding? I didn't get a period until 7 months pp. I breastfed for 5 months.
  • @2ndtimearound No, im not breastfeeding.
  • Have you had sex recently? A possibility that your pregnant maybe?
  • Girl it could be pregnancy. If your concerned check with the doctor... I think if your BC still can give you your period it's not that good of BC. IMO
  • @mommylovessparkle i have had sex, but we've been using condoms as a back up. Im gonna buy a test today just in case but i really doubt that im pregnant. I would already know.
  • @mylove2 im not concerned that it could be pregnancy because i've rarely had sex since i gave birth and because i've used condoms every single time aside from the BC im on.
  • I got pg with my 3rd on the pill & condoms! Lol ;)
  • @wilsomom omg lol don't say that! Lol. I love babies, and i want more, but not now.
    Its not the right time financially, and i had a c-section so its not the right time physically either. Im gonna buy a test, just in case but i doubt it.
  • I only breastfed for 2 months but didn't get my period til almost 6 months pp. everybody is different and your body is probably still getting back to normal. Take a test if your concerned tho, just for peace of mind.
  • @sands3 yeah, that's what i think too. I just took two tests and they were negative.
  • Well at least you have a some peace of mind now. :)
  • I agree I would just take a test to be sure.
  • Have you taken a test yet? It could just be you're body hasnt regulated yey since having your baby.
  • I've taken 5 test since Wednesday and they have all been negative. If i am pregnant, i should be getting a clear positive by now. I always get very strong positives by 4-5wks pregnant. Ssooo, that's not it. Im calling my Dr. tomorrow and see what she has to say.
  • Good deal!
  • I've been on bc since 6weeks pp. Haven't had a period yet baby is 2 months old. I was told my bc can keep it from coming, which is nice but I also test regularly until my tubal this month just to be sure
  • I didn't get my period for 8wks pp. Then I got it full force, then I got pregnant again. I also had a csection and my ob said by the time the baby really starts growing the uterus is healed up
  • @adriens_mommy @kayleigh27
    My cycle finally started earlier this week. I was told the same thing that my BC can cause me to miss a cycle or two here and there. Im not really ok with that because i don't want to have problems in the future when i decide to try again, so i was told that if i miss my period again to call in and my dr will give me something else.

    Like i said, i love kids and i know i want 2 more but this is not the time for another baby. I want my kids a few years apart, and im also not in a very good financial position to have another baby. That's why im being very cautious about getting pregnant again. I mean, if it happens then it just means it was meant to be but i know im covering all bases on my end....
    (im weird i know. I just like to kinda plan stuff out. It helps me feel like everything is under control.)
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