Good news from my appointment today.

edited August 2013 in Pregnant
My OB told me that she will be on call for L&D for the next 5 weeks, except on weekends. I'm 38w2d so that's a little relieving news during this semi stressful week.


  • Thats good. Did u think she wouldn't be delivering you? Hope u don't have the baby on the weekend then!
  • edited August 2013
    @jules: No, it's just you never know with these doctors. I was hoping and praying she would be delivering my baby and I am relieved she will be.

    Lol, don't jinx me.
  • I see. Well with my first pregnancy I had 3 doc that were in the practice and iv met them all during my regular ob visits and the one that was my actual doc wasn't the one who delivered me. Which was weird at first when they told me, however worked out soooooo well I loved her, attutude, how she and what she did to help, really thankful to her if we lived in that area I would have her again. So far my doc is ok everyone suggested him so im hoping his as good as they say. I do know most likely he will be delivering me he only takes few patients for certain period to make sure his available so will see. I know what u mean its just comfortable and eases ur mind. I'm sure you will be ok and I hope it all works out for the best for ya!!!
  • Did you get your cervical check today? Just wondering if you had any dilation or anything.
  • @jules: I had a few doctors throughout my pregnancy including her, but ever since my 32nd week visit its been only her and I love her. She just clicked. So I'm so happy she'll be able to deliver me, if I don't go in on a weekend. Thank you. I hope everything works out for you too.

    @Wilsomom: 1cm dilated, 60% effaced. I knew I was nowhere near ready to pop. She did add that since I'm getting close to my due date that 1cm could go to 4-5cm in just a few days. Still not going to get my hopes up too soon.

    I'm still going to start setting some stuff up. My room looks too bare.
  • Thats good! Ya I don't really click with this doc his guy though but his supposed to be good and im not gonna change only cause from my last labor experience it didn't matter who was there for me I just want what's best for baby and his been around without any negative feedback so must be good sign. I hope!
  • @jules: Some doctors don't click well with their clients but are still good doctors. I mean if you've heard good things then he might not be bad. You never know it might be a better experience than your last.
  • Very true! I think that's his case for sure, I mean his very nice but just kinda does his job doesn't really spend the time to click I think that's more of woman thing anyways :) I don't think I could have a better experience though unless it goes the same just little faster but it was already only 13 hrs from time my water broke to when I had her which is pretty good for first one I think!
  • @jules: I notice a lot of male OB's like to get straight to the point. That's why I like women doctors. Well it might not be as good as first experience then.
  • Lol all guys are like that :) they don't wanna sit down cheat chat thats for sure. I guess I'll have to wait and see. I know the hardest part is wanting to go for after you have the baby and I can't imagine how bad I'll want to leave this time especially after being away from Scarlett I've never left her for more than few hrs and that's usually with my parents who she loves. At least they will try their best to be here for her but I'll miss her like crazy that's only thing I'm not looking forward to when going into labor. I mean besides pain lol
  • @jules: Aww... its gonna be okay.
  • Well thays good news! I have only seen one doctor during this pregnancy and let me tell you she's not gonna be there same happened with my other 3
  • Ya I have feeling she will be great our hospital is right down the street so my hubby will come see her check on her she will be great its gonna be me missing her lol
  • That's good. It always helps when the doctor is on the same side as the patient. Its hard to come by good doctors now days.
  • @2girls_2boys: At first I thoughht she was gonna say she was going on vacation but the opposite came out and I was ecstatic.

    @jules: Aw, lol. Is she gonna visit you.

    @stephforever89: It really is. I can count one hand how many doctors I liked and connected with and were good.
  • Probably not its winter baby so they probably wont allow kids but if they do then for sure!
  • With my first pregnancy i had a male ob and he was AMAZING. When i lost my daughter, he called my husband from his personal cell to check on me and he did that at least 2-3 times a week for 6 weeks and that was aside from my pp appointments with him, that meant and still to this day means so much to me. I loved him.

    My second pregnancy, i had a female ob and she was a good doctor but she was those kind of doctors that are only there to do their job and move onto the next patient. The thing that kept me around as her patient is that even though she personally didn't stay around much, her staff was always available and they all were very knowledgeable.

    I guess all doctors are really different. If it were up to me, i would go back to that male ob that i had but he works for a hospital that's far from where i live.
  • @jules: I know some hospitals usually don't let kids under 10-12 visit during the flu season but I think it they would make an one-time exception so she can see her little sibling.

    @perly: The only male doctor I ever liked that I had was my eye doctor. Too bad he moved to another state. I had a male OB at this one clinic and he was a dick.
  • The hospital I had my first at let my step daughter visit but it could only be for certain amount of time. She was almost 5 at the time. It was probably because my best friend has been delivery nurse there and she been doing her job for 25 years. And husband being paramedic they treated us well always brought him his own meal whatever he wanted. The city we live in now have crazy respect for paramedics so my hubby thinks they will treat us like family. I hope his right! :)
  • @jules: Everything is gonna be fine. I wish our city was like that.
  • Where you at?
  • I know what you mean. I absolutely hate people that treats others bad just because they're not happy with the job or career they chose.
  • edited September 2013
    @jules: Chicago, IL aka Chiraq.

    @perly: Yes. You choose this profession and I'm not sorry you had a bad day deal with it. As a doctor you took an oathe to help those in need.
  • Ya thats to big to be like that been there couple times fun to visit!
  • @jules: Chicago has a lot of good attractions I will admit that. Six Flags Great America, Millennium Park, Buckingham Fountain, Michigan Ave, the Lakefronts, Taste of Chicago, and many more. The drivers are a bitch here.
  • Yea that's why it's great to visit has a lot to do. But crazy traffic so many people cold in winter I couldn't do it lol
  • @jules: I've managed, lol.
  • Well after living in Russia for the first 11 years of my live then moving to southern California I can't go back to having real winter. I get cold so easily, my husband is always giving me hard time saying I thought you were Russian lol. I love warn weather. Plus I've never been fan of rain, and hate doing strong winds.
  • @jules 28 years in Chicago and I've become almost immune to it. The summers in Chicago is crazy hot. The humidity will make 83 degree weather feel like 99 degrees outside. The winters are weird one week will have almost 3 feet of snow then the next week its all/almost gone. Best season in Chicago is Fall. Just right.
  • Ya I've been there in the summer few years ago it was gross I remember coming out of the air port and it just hits you and I always felt like I need to shower after going outside lol. Then out of nowhere it was thunder and rain then it was gone like what?!
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