news about my arm.

I had an mri on my right arm, well shoulder. Because my job has made my arm worse and we are trying to figure out what is actually going on with it. We did rule out a rotator cuff tear. But they didnt do the mri right so we still dont know what is going on. They are going to do the mri again. The paper they gave me said something about the posterior labrum being detached and abou fluid running through the labrum. I dont really know what this means. I couldnt ask the dr becuase i didnt get the paper until i was leaving. So i hope this next mri turns out better. The dr is thinking that there is a partial tear but he isnt sure why its not getting any better and why its still so tender just to the touch. I am hoping for some answers soon.


  • Oh wow, I'm sorry you didn't any clear answers today! That sucks that they have to do it again.
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