Can't walk

edited August 2013 in Pregnant
I have pulled a muscle in pelvic area and it hurts so bad I can't stop crying off and on and to top it off I was already swollen and hurting because of the pressure of my baby pressing down.


  • Ouch! Try ice and resting. I've been swollen and sore from pressure down there and ice really helped me. I can't imagine if I had a pulled muscle too.
  • @Frantastic I have a ice pack down there now it's not really helping. My husband and kids is helping me do everything because I can't put pressure on my legs or feet. I'm 34wks and I keep telling myself i only have 4wks if he come at 38 or 6 wks if he come at 40 I'm just tired lol!
  • Oh man thats no good hope gets better soon. Obviously the baby pushing down wont but the pulled muscle could :) almost there!!!
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