af is 4 days late

My period has been on point for 2 years. I haven't been ttc really kinda gave up. Now I am 4 days late nd no signs or symptoms of af. I'm scared to test


  • Well u will never know until u do! Good luck.
  • edited September 2013
    Thanks & I know just scared :-S
  • well just take some time to process it..I mean what are you scared of? That's what I would ask myself. Are you scared that you are and its not good timing? Then think how amazing babies are such miracle and God never gives more than we can handle :). Or that you are and something might happen again? Which yes it could but you also could have an amazing easy pregnancy like I did with both so far, and then be blessed with your beautiful baby! Plus it's best to find out sooner than later so you can start taking all the vitamins, you can go to your first prenatal appointment which is important and fun, I think. And my hubby always told me that this things happen when you stop trying and just let it. Personally I think it's true bc it's women get so stressed and overwhelmed and disappointed if it's negative. And when we leave it in Gods hands and don't stress about it that's when it happens and the beautiful journey begins. Well either way I wish you the best and here if you need to talk!
  • @Jules
    I agree 100% with you!! Just scared I might lose it like I did with my twins. Time to start a baby journal :)
  • Well that's great idea! I mean we all have fears just one day at time :)
  • @Jules
    True true thanks for being here glad I have some one to talk to
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