Odd cramping. please help.

edited September 2013 in Second Trimester
I am 20 weeks along. I have had cramping off and on all day today. I'm worried because my daughter was an emergency delivery at 28 weeks and the doctor told me I would possibly be high risk with this one, too. Do you think I should be worried?


  • Have you been really active today? Try lying down and really resting for a good half an hour. If that doesn't help, then I would call your dr. You definitely don't want to risk it. Good luck and I hope you feel better!
  • @musicmomma I was actually pretty inactive today. Took a short walk earlier but the cramping started before that while I was laying on the couch.
  • I hope you're doing ok
  • I apologize, I haven't been on much. I am doing good. I figured since it was so late I would see how I was in the morning and it seemed to have subsided. I'm hoping it was just my uterus stretching and my stress probably hasn't been helping. Thank you for your concern.
  • Sometimes the muscles around the uterus stretch and it can be very painful almost like bad period cramps (round ligament pain) ..I would just keep very hydrated and relax
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