Did you "just know" what you were having before you found out the gender?

edited September 2013 in Just for Fun
Did you ever have that gut feeling that you knew your baby's gender before you found out? Were you right or not?

My first I didn't dwell on gender too much so I'm not sure.
With my second I knew the whole pregnancy she was a girl even when the ultrasound tech couldn't give me a for sure answer. I still bought everything pink!
This third one I feel like it's a boy, not one thought of a girl. I'm sooo hoping I'm right!


  • I had no clue with either of my pregnancies. My mom was sure this one would be a girl because she had a dream. But sure enough this one is another boy.
  • edited September 2013
    With my 1st I "just knew" it was a girl. I was wrong lol. With my 2nd I didn't dwell on gender at all then I got the ultrasound and they couldn't tell me for sure it was a girl but they were leaning towards a girl, but when I saw the ultrasound I knew I was looking at my daughter. I bought everything pink and girly. I always had it in the back of my mind that what if it came out a boy what would I do with the pink carseat and flowery clothes. With my second/last ultrasound I was excited that I would get the confirmation I was looking for but again she had her legs crossed and couldn't confirm a girl but thankfully the Dr confirmed a girl as a took a huge breath after pushing her out. So to answer your queation-no I never just "knew" for sure.
  • My 1st I thought it was a boy I was 100% sure even when ultrasound said girl I brought a neutral outfit just in case and sure enough it was a girl. My second and third I knew were boys because pregnancy was so different from the first. I think this one is a boy but only 4 weeks so I got to wait and see how morning sickness is
  • I wasn't sure with my first, but with my second I'd say within a week of the positive I knew it was a boy, even 20 weeks of "knowing" it's a boy didn't help the blow lol I wanted a girl sooooo bad!
  • With my first I knew it was a girl the second I knew I was pg , I shopped and got all pink girly stuff and with the 2nd I wasn't sure until I had a dream that my baby told me his name was Asher and then I knew :) and I was right
  • First time I wanted girl really bad, but was kinda scared it might not be but it was..this time I wanted another girl knew it would be for some reason even though my husband kept saying it's a boy and they had somewhat hard time seeing early on but I knew it and looks like girl so far hope baby comes out girl! :)
  • edited September 2013
    My first definitely knew..already had a name for him and was right.
    Second-??? I think was a girl I had a mc
    3rd my daughter Kayla..I felt girl...but started to be unsure & the more unsure I made myself think that. The even more unsure I was & had like 5 conformations she was a girl! I also doubted, because of pregly and reading stories of wrong genders lol
  • My first I believe I knew she was a girl even though at that time I wanted a boy. Coming up with a name for her before finding out was super easy. I just knew Macey Cadence was perfect didn't even think twice about it. Yet still was hoping for a boy.

    This time I really felt in my gut it was a boy but at the same time I wasn't sure it was my desire. However it was the name thing that kept me believing it was a boy. Except I tried preparing myself for a girl yet for the life of me I couldn't come up with a girls name at all. I was trying to figure that out before my gender reveal but I kept saying not to stress about a name either way I had plenty of time. Btw: we hv always had a boys name in mind. Sure enough it was a boy :) Max Albert whom should be here in 10 wks!
  • With both I just knew. And I had dreams a lot for my son that he was born and for this one in my belly I had no dreams until the day before my gender ultrasound and it said girl. I know some women's dreams aren't right though.
  • With my first I "just knew" he was a boy. Not so much with my second.
  • My first two kids I knew before the u/s I had gut feeling for both and was right. This one idk a lot keep saying boy and chinese gender chart says girl. Either way I'm happy
  • My first I was for sure was a boy. I had a miscarriage though so I will never know. My second I was for sure a girl and it was. My third one I really wasn't too sure.
  • With my second I knew he was a boy and I was right
  • With my first i just knew.
    I kept telling my husband that she was a girl and he wouldn't listen cause there was no possible way for me to know but when i had her at 17weeks we saw she was a baby girl :)
  • edited September 2013
    My first I knew and would get mad at people who called her a boy. I was right. My second im still convinced its a boy but its not. Its a girl. I think their wrong tho lol. Who knows lol. Id be happy either way :) girls are awesomer lol jk.
  • Yes both times I just knew ♥
  • I was only wrong once. :)
  • I knew I was having a girl a few days before my gender reveal ultrasound.
  • I was wrong on both. My first I thought was a boy. Even had the name picked out. She is definitely a girl. With this one I really thought I was having a girl and found out last weekend that Im having a boy.
  • Yep, I pretty much knew.
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