Extremely heavy bleeding. help

edited September 2013 in Pregnant
My period was late by 5 days, last week. Well, this Tuesday, I finally got my period. It was light the first day, but I started soaking through the super tampons so easily, so I switched to pads. No good. I'm bleeding too much for even those! So I have been using one of my kids disposable diapers, and they seem to hold up. Some what. I'm also having a really bad cramping feeling in my right side, towards my ovaries. I NEVER cramp, or bleed heavy like this. Maybe I'm having an early miscarriage? I took 6 tests up until this monday, and they were all negative.

Anyone have this happen, and everything was ok? If the bleeding doesn't slow down by saturday, I'm going to go to Urgent Care, and get checked out. I'm really scared of having a miscarriage, let alone the pain in my side makes me feel like it's possibly a ectopic, and that's why I'm bleeding so heavily.


  • If you have the slightest thought that its an ectopic, you should be seen right away. Although I don't think it's that. You would have have gotten a positive if that were the case. It could be a missed miscarriage, causing the bleeding.
  • @fate, yeah that's what I was thinking i would of gotten a positive. the bleeding doesn't even seem to be getting lighter, so I may just go into urgent care today. it's making me feel dizzy.
  • Yea my ectopic showed a very dark positive with high hcg levels. An I only spotted then passed liver looking chunks tmi I no ! An I was in horrible pain that kept getting worse
  • My ectopic I didn't show positive hpt only showed thru blood test. I bleed like crazy cramps had me in the fetal position. Went thru pads ever 20 min super thick pads at that. Everyone is diff tho. I would go get checked out.
  • Definitely go get checked.
    I had this happen to me once after my second trimester loss but it was just my period adjusting itself. I went to the ER and i had a blood test done and it was negative. That might be your case, but go in and get a definite answer.
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