what do you miss?
What are 3 things you miss before kids/pregnancy and 3 things you could never live without after?
I miss: 1.taking a shower everyday
2.spontanous dates with the hubby
3.SLEEP lol
I cant live without: 1. My dd bringing random stuff to my bed every morning when she wakes up.
2. Rubbing my kids with a blanket till they fall asleep
3. The pure joy and excitment my kids have over the smallest things.
I miss: 1.taking a shower everyday
2.spontanous dates with the hubby
3.SLEEP lol
I cant live without: 1. My dd bringing random stuff to my bed every morning when she wakes up.
2. Rubbing my kids with a blanket till they fall asleep
3. The pure joy and excitment my kids have over the smallest things.
#1 working and making my own money.
#2 going out with hubby whenever we want at whatever time we want
#3 being able to go to a store by myself lol
Things i can't live without
#1 my son's smile
#2 my son's scent (he mostly smells like throw up but i love it)
#3 my son over all
2.sleeping in!
3. Actually being able to eat in peace without little children wanting to eat your food lol
1.their laughs
2.being the one they come to kiss their booboos or hold them until they fall asleep
3.having them run to the door in excitement when I come home from work.
2. My body it will never be the same.
3. Being able to get up and go anywhere/anytime without having to pack like I am packing for the apocalypse.
1. My older son calling out "mama"
2. His kisses!!
3. My LO's cheesy smile everytime he hears my voice
1. Sleep for sure
2. Shopping alone lol
3. My pre pregnancy boobs
Can't live without:
1. The hug I get when I walk in the door from work :X
2.The way my daughter talks. She has such a funny little dialect and pronounces words so differently it's hilarious.
3. Her laugh
1. Adventures. Leaving whenever I wanted and going wherever I wanted to go.
2. Sleeeeep.
3. Being able to run in and out of places without hauling around two babies.
What I can't live without:
1. My kid's big smiles whenever they see me even if I was only gone long enough to pee.
2. My son's random kisses
3. The unconditional love.