Mouse in the House!!!

So a few days ago a lady in our building to asked us if we had seen any mice in our apartment? We told her no, then she said she has and she hasn't seen any mice in almost 4 years.

Long story short we have some new neighbors that just moved into our building and ever since they moved in, she said she has seen to two different colored mice and she said she's going to call the owner of the building and have them check out the new tenants apartment. If I see a mouse in my apartment it's going down. Also she isn't the only one to ask us this.

Well today I saw the little fucker and I am calling the building manager tonight. Too bad they won't get my message until Monday. So we won't see anyone until Tuesday. Honestly I try not to judge, but the new neighbors don't look that clean. I'm not the only one who thinks that. I hope they can get out here as soon as possible because I can't bring a baby home to a house with a mouse. Thank God I haven't set any of the babies stuff up.


  • Walmart has these sticky mouse traps, we kept finding poop in our silver wear drawer when we were renting. Anyways I put that sucker in there with a little peanut butter in the middle. Caught it that same night! Turn a bag inside out over my hand and picked it up (then turn the bag right side out so it's down in the bag) and tie it good.
    I know it's you're building managers problem but if you have a few dollars to spare I'd definitely look into it
  • I would totally rather live with mice then what im living with now in my apartment. Also courtsey thanks to the old neighbour upstairs. My landlords dont seem to care about our huge problem because everyone else in the house doesnt seem to have it. Which is very hard to believe. :'( i just wanna run away!!
  • @Kimberly441: I'm not really afraid to pick up a mouse, of course I'm using a bag though. We had bought some traps a while ago, just in case, and I'm glad we did. We laid them out last night after I saw him. So far nothing. Hopefully tomorrow the building manager calls me back.

    @lalalorree: What is it that you have?
  • I would be freaking out I hate mice..they freak and gross me out so bad. I hope the manager takes action and fast!
  • @veevee 3 different kinds of bugs!!!! I hate bugs any kind!
  • We had a mice issue in our apartment a couple months ago. I know it's nobody's fault though because mice live all over outside. We bought a couple mouse traps, caught two and bought the mouse poison that is in a little tray it looks kinda like the little rocks u put in fish tanks, set one behind the fridge behind the sofa and outside on the balcony. Found two dead ones on the balcony a week later and never had any since. I recommend the poison. Good luck
  • @veevee if you know someone with a cat have them bring the cat over to get the cats scent and you'll be fine. Someone told me this but we have always had cats and never had a problem.
  • @jules: Lol, they don't freak me out but yes they are gross. I'm waiting for tomorrow to get a call back.

    @lalalorree: Whar kind of bugs? Bedbugs, roaches, spiders?

    @adriens_mommy: That's what we're gonna do, but we don't know about the poison. We're gonna wait for the exterminator and see what they say. Hopefully there are no openings or anything.

    @pregojenn: I'm not really a cat person and I don't anyone who owns a cat, except my best friend who live about 3 hours away from me.
  • That's good hopefully they take care of it tom for ya!
  • @veevee all those you mentioned minus spiders. I think my cats eat those. My landlord is suppose to get the exterminator in for bedbugs. My place is all ready to be treated and its been a week since ive packed and threw out everything. Its very stressful cause i bug and bug him meanwhile im thhe one dealing with the pest. And the cockroaches theres 2 kinds crawling around, german and someone other kind. Not the those big ugly ones in joe's apartment (a movie) those they arent even gonna bother treating cause the bug guy said since their probably all inside the walls in the house, it would be harder to treat! Once the place gets sprayed and treated im totally moving somewhere outside the city right away!!!
  • @lalalorree That really sucks and it shows how your landlord values it's tenants. I hope something gets done. I would report your landlord if I were you.

    @jules: The building managers are usually on their game when it comes to their tenants. They do their monthly inspections. So everything has been good so far.
  • That's good!
  • They sent an exterminators out today and they checked everywhere and it happens to be a hole in the floor of my room where the mouse had chewed through by the radiator. So he filled and sealed it up really good, he double sealed it. He also laid some traps out. There is one by the radiator, one by my bedroom door and one by the kitchen because that's where the mouse was frequenting. Hopefully the mouse was in the hole when he sealed it up and not in the house. I did put some peanut butter on the traps just in case and I also told them about the new tenants.

    I'm liking these building managers. They are on their job.
  • That's great good! You should be good to go now :)
  • @jules: I am and I haven't seen or heard the mouse since last night. So my guess is he was in the hole when he sealed it up. They also went into the basement of the building and sprayed and laid down some traps. So hopefully our problems have been solved.

    I hate nasty neighbors.
  • Typical they always sneak by radiators im glad you find on time before you get an infestation!!!!!
  • Ya don't blame you. When we lived in an apartment we got new neighbors and within month there are bugs everywhere..unfortunately our management was not on top of it at all we had to spray, bomb, set traps and barely worked..And I hate bugs plus clean freak. Now where in house and I followed all the rules of what to do in order to avoid bringing them when you move..And still some came with. Nothing compared to what it was but still see them here and there. Thank god you had it taken care of and mice don't usually come with so your not stuck forever
  • @2girls_2boys: Me too. I hope they check out the new tenants and see what's going on with them. I pretty much swept, vacuum, mopped, scrubbed and dust everything after they left. So my apartment feels clean again.

    @jules: I hoped they stopped by the new tenants apartment and checked them. Sorry about to hear about your bug problem. I hope you can finally get it under control.
  • Well we moved into our house in March which helped some were trying to get rid of what's left lol
  • Glad you got it taken care of, we had a mouse or two before our daughter was born, but we live on the bottom floor right next to a field. So they were getting in through our drain pipes. So we put some steel wool inside and haven't had a problem since.
  • @jules: Good luck. Bugs are the hardest to get rid of.

    @trixiesmom8: That's what they put on the hole steel wool and some type of paste. We're on the first floor too.
  • I just posted a discussion about mice too. They are so freaking nasty.
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