First aid kit supplies

edited September 2013 in Pregnant
I'm wanting to get together a first aid kit. All of our stuff is spread out and I'd like to make sure we have everything we need on hand since we live 10 miles out of town.
What are some things you've either had to run to the store and buy or that you use most often.
I'm thinking of buying a premade kit but those are kind of expensive and may not have everything children need


  • Gauze pads of many sizes...extra bandaids, antibiotic ointment, lots of tape, butterfly strips, extra gloves, alcohol wipes. I had bought a premade kit and added things. My husband tends to be accident prone when playing softball so some items are tailored to him.
  • Tylenol. Epi pen (if anyone is diabetic). neosporen (sp)
  • We have the basics like gauze, medical tape, band aids, antibiotic ointment etc but I have had to run and get burn cream and children's benadryl before cause we didnt have those.
  • Thanks! I didn't think of some that ya'll said
    @bigbelly I need to get an epi pen for myself, haven't had one in 10+ years but I'm deathly allergic to fire ants and living in the country it'd probably be a good idea to get one. I usually keep a look out but now with a little one (fixing to be 2 little ones) I don't watch as closely for myself anymore
  • We always keep sugar candy in ours as well and replace it every so often. sugar babies, werthers candies, or even honey... something like that. it's good to keep on hand for any kind of lethargy or if anyone on the family is diabetic.
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