any advice on terrible twos welcome.

edited September 2013 in "Terrible Two's"
Does anyone have suggestions on dealing with the terrible twos? My daughter, 2 years 3 months, is hitting them hard. Everything is no. Getting her to eat, go potty, even to go to bed is an absolute nightmare now. I'm truly at my wits end. Im probably going to take some parenting classes, but the one im looking at doesn't start till mid October. I feel like I've tried everything but clearly I haven't, so if anyone has advice, please please share. I feel like im losing my mind!!! Lol


  • I wish I had some advice. We're going through it too. I don't remember my oldest ever acting the way Jack does now.

  • Thanks @sands3 I guess we can feel better knowing were not the only ones dealing with it.
  • We are smack dab in the middle of it. I try to remind myself that he has these melt downs bc he is unable to process all his feelings, and he is unable to efficiently communicate with me. We have taken steps to reduce the melt downs...which in our home means a little less going out to eat, and errand running with our little. We also make sure if we must go out with him, it has been after his nap, and make sure he has been fed. We noticed the worst melt downs are when he is hungry/tired.
  • My son will be 2 in Oct and its rough. We have a very strict nap schedule because if nap time doesn't happen or is interrupted all hell breaks loose. Time outs have been really effective for us as well, he seems to understand the concept and if I threaten time out he knows what that means. He gets 2 warnings then straight to time out. You just have to be patient and CONSISTENT, that's the big one consistency. They get frustrated because they can't really communicate.
  • My lil one will be 2 in December and I agree with the mentioned above ^^^^^^^ if he's hungry everyone its gonna hear it! And forget if he's tired that's gonna be a problem ! If he's feed and not tired he will just play and play all day ....

    He's very very active
  • Kirsten is going through it now also. And oh my goodness. Look out. She resorts to screaming her lungs out if she doesnt get what she wants. Its very frustrating.
  • edited September 2013
    My daughter has her crazy moments, but they really are just moments. 10-30 seconds at most. It's usually because she can't get a toy to work right, I've interrupted something shes doing to change her diaper, or because I ask her to eat before she has more juice/milk. And when she goes off I just ignore it or talk her through it, depending on how intense it is. Two is such a tricky age because there's such a lack of communication. It's not their fault or ours. I really try not to make her feel like she's wrong by yelling or punishing her for acting out, because she's not doing it on purpose. Usually I put on my happiest face and talk her through whatever it is. Yeah it's hard sometimes because I want to rip my hair out when she's shrieking lol but it shows her that whatever she's mad about isn't worth getting mad about, and if I'm pleasant about it she cheers right up and moves on. I know some people might think I'm wrong or she'll end up bratty but my daughter is the sweetest, kindest, and happiest little girl I can imagine :)
  • I've realized the last few days that if I completely ignore her while she is throwing her fit then she stops. Usually she only throws fits about what shoes she wants to wear lol.
  • Advice from 3 been thro it and 1 going thro it try no to let them get to u just keep swimming
  • Stop saying no to her...and she'll stop saying no. .unless she's playing or testing you ;)
    (My daughter tells dad..since she's daddies little girl no and omg she's testing him big time!)

    Consistency is the key to EVERYTHING even yourself.
  • If Alanah is having a meltdown and starts screaming I ask her to go cry in her room. It has worked so far. I tell her she can come out when she is done. If the meltdown last more then 5 minutes I go into her room sit down on the floor and ask her if she needs a hug (and she usually wants and needs one). Works every time and she is back to her happy self.
    But these terrible twos are driving me up the wall
  • When my daughter misses her nap she goes wild. She has a very large vocabulary so she tells me whats wrong or whats bothering her. When shes being really bad I take her outside to get some fresh air for a few mins. She also LOVES to go to the mall I put her in her stroller and put some fries or cereal or some kinda food on her tray and she sits back and enjoys the stroll whole she eats and usually shes good. On the other hand when shes having a serious meltdown and I cant get through to her (we usually talk it out) I hand her over to my dad lol.
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