
edited September 2013 in Pregnant
Ladies, I would like any advice, tips and/or tricks you may have. I'm 100% a newbie at this and I am slightly...terrified. I'll be 32 weeks tomorrow so we're getting close and I feel very unprepared. Lol


  • Patience is key. It may get frustrating when baby doesn't latch properly, but stay calm and keep trying. A boppy pillow helped me alot, especially with late night feedings.
  • After I posted this, I noticed I have started I am on the verge of panicking. Lol
  • It's normal. Just buy some breast pads
  • edited September 2013
    Definitely invest in a boppy pillow! Another great tool to use if you're really struggling is a nipple shield. Its a small rubber nipple cover that allows baby to latch easier and protects your nipples if they're sore.Try not to rely on it 100%, so baby doesn't rely on it, but it can be a life saver if you're really struggling. You'll also want some breast pads. They protect your bra/clothes when you leak. I preferred the washable kind because the disposable ones were too itchy and hurt when my nips were sore. Try to find a nice comfy nursing bra too. Wal-Mart and target have them for reasonable prices. My favorite one was cotton and didn't have any underwire. I got it at Wal-Mart for $12.99.
  • Are you delivering at a hospital? They will most likely have a lactation specialist. Ask (immediately after delivery) to see that person. If you deliver at night you might have to wait until morning, but your l&d nurse might be able to help you as well.
  • At Walgreen's they sell these gel pads that you can freeze or heat and use on your breast. A few days after delivering, your milk will come in and your breast will be sore... These gel pads can be heated and you can place them on your breast so your breast won't stay sore because it hurts. Keep the baby latched on as much as he/she wants to be there, it will help with your supply
  • Boppys are great! Also, if one position doesn't work for you, you can try a different one. Some work better then others and make it easier for baby to latch on. Idk if its just me but I found breast feeding to be easy.....or should I say it came easy to me for some reason. I hope u have good luck and don't give up!!!!
  • With my first I freaked out so did my husband we weren't sure if our baby was getting enough so we gave her formula because we started freaking out at night. With our son we had a better lactation and told us not to worry as long as the baby had wet diapers. She helped us a lot I was able to breast feed him till almost a year. Make sure you stay calm breast feeding can be difficult at first especially with your first but so worth it.
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  • O I love breast feeding! I never gave it to much thought about it until after I had my son the Dr asked me if I wanted to breast feed I said I didn't know yet after I had my son they handed him to me and said here breast feed him and it was an instant bond!!! I breast feed my son till he was 15 months old he never once had formula! Its so healthy for the baby my son never had colic.. he barely ever spit up.. he was happy and fat and healthy! Its rough at the beginning just make sure u consulate an lactation consultant they help sooooo much most hospital will have one there to help u
  • the best site for breastfeeding advice!!
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