How often do you clip your childrens nails?

Toes specifically. I clip my two boys fingernails when they get long, but my husband thinks I clip their toenails too often. I just worry about the nail growing into the skin if I don't clip them in a certain amount of time.
My older son HATES having his toenails clipped, what are your tips to distract while it's being done? I've tried singing songs, watching his favorite shows and having my husband play with him, but with next to no luck!


  • My 6yo weekly my 4yo and 1yo every 2 weeks and my stepdaughter was just like that even her mother don't do it I'm the one that does it shes 5yo I do it every 2 weeks
  • Whenever they start getting long, Madison hates her toes being done, I pin her leg between my arm and side and go as fast as I can lol
  • I cut my 4yr old and 2yr olds finger nails and toe nails once a week. I some times think I need to do their finger nails more often my 2yr old boys nails grow like crazy and he pinches with them
  • I only cut my sons nails when they get really long because he hates it and is a total pill about it. He'll be 2 next month and I try to do fingers when he's asleep and toes when he's dustracted by daddy.
  • I cut whenever they start getting long I'm like you don't want ingrown nails or have her scratch herself during nap and bed time. Mostly it's once a week sometimes they grow crazy fast and I have to do it two times. I try to pick moment when she's really into something. Like when I put her show on, or drinking milk or water. I've always done it that way so she knows its not big deal usually doesn't care. There have been time she's not in the mood so I hold her hand or foot so it's steady so she doesn't get hurt.
  • Maybe once a week. Or when they get long my daughter is obsesssed with nail polish so she lets me do it. She likes it. But when she was a baby id do it in her sleep.
  • I cut my daughters nails about once a week. She usually asks me to cut them because she doesn't like them long either. She's almost 2 and loves having her nails and toe nails cut and painted.
  • I cut my 3 month old's finger nails once a week cause they grow super fast. Toe nails I've only had to cut twice.
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