Totally forgot....probably tmi, but oh well

I totally forgot how extremely painful my cramps are and how heavy my regular flow is. After two years of being pregnant and six months using that stupid mirena...I finally have my "normal period" again....and I'm remembering how much it SUCKS!!!! I miss being pregnant!!!! How weird that I have horrible periods and cramps and terrible post partum depression, but my pregnancies are absolutely divine??
At least I'll only have a week of this and then nothing instead of the constant light period I had for six months with the mirena. And thank the good lord for midol!!!


  • I'm in the exact situation. I had back to back babies and only had one period in between them. Then it took 12 weeks to get my first period after my daughter then I stsrted bc and it messed with my period so I wasn't getting them normal so I got off bc waited 6 weeks with no period and found out I was pg with my third in july but miscarried a few wks later. Even the mc was like that was the beginning of august and I just had my first real period and it SUCKED! I texted my sister saying I forgot how bad I hate periods
  • was it hard having back to back babies after I had my son I got on BC after which now I regret cause I can't get prego :( if I get prego again no more birth control for me
  • @Roxy I had a hard time getting pregnant with my first after being on bc for 10 months. It took us five and a half years to get pregnant. After I gave birth, I decided against bc and we just used condoms which....we didn't really use and ended up pregnant when my first was only 7 months old. After giving birth to my second I decided mirena would be great but I never stopped bleeding it was like consistent light period. Super annoying. So I got it removed six months later and we're back to using condoms and actually using them this time. :-) I'm so sorry you're having trouble conceiving. I definitely know how that goes and wish you the best of luck!!!
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