baby shower games!!

edited September 2013 in Baby showers
Hey guys, I'm helping plan my cousins baby shower, and im in charge of games. Ive never been to a baby shower aside from my own, where we didn't play games. So please help me out!! Thanks! <3


  • We played a game at my sister's where you melt different kinds of chocolate bars in the diapers and people have to guess the candy..

    Or take the labels off baby food and they have to guess what it is.

    Print out the alphabet and people have to come up with baby items for each letter.
  • At one of my friends we had to cut string to guess the size of her belly. We couldn't say baby if we lost the necklace they gave us who ever caught anyone saying baby took the necklace and at the end of the baby shower who ever had the most won.
  • We did the string and belly at my first that was fun. Then at the shower for this baby we did one thing I really wanted for both my girls. I printed out on nice paper a letters of the alphabet and which each one stands for. Like b for boat, c for cupcake. I wanted to make sure they weren't all animals lol so that was printed on there. And the guests got to take whatever they wanted and draw it then next day I had the pages laminated and binded now my girls have very special book and people loved doing it. Then we did we one were you have animals and have to write down what they are called as babies super fun I had some hard once on there. Then we had bottles filled with small candy and people had to guess how many and one who was closest won all the candy it's an easy one gives those chance that are little more shy to win something.
  • Get these mini babies at Party City, freeze them in ice cube trays with water, the guests each get an ice cube, whoever is able to suck the baby out first wins.

    Buy a few cheap bottles, fill them with juice or beer and have like 3 players to see who can drink all the juice or beer faster.

    Make teams of 2, blindfold them and sit them right in front of eachother, give them each a babyfood jar and spoon. They have to simultaneously feed eachother, which ever team finishes the baby food first wins. Its kinda funny,to get the nastier tasting flavors so its a bit harder for them to eat it.

    Blindfold everyone one by one and have them draw a baby on a piece of paper (without lifting the pen). Then the pregnant girl picks which picture she likes best and they win.
  • We did activities for my cousins shower. We did a onesie and bib decorating contest and a cupcake decorating contest, which served as dessert. This was her second pregnancy (7 years a part) so we also had the guests write out sibling advice and then made it into a book.
  • A good activity is "wishes for baby" where you can print a template onto 1/2 sheets of paper that have ore written sentences that your guests complete ex: i hope you-, i hope you love-, etc, and some games are hold paper plate on top of head & set looa time limit & have guests draw a baby without looking, baby girl name abc game, baby item abc, baby word scramble, baby food i.q. (get 10 jars of baby food remove labels & keep sealed) guests have to correctly guess what food is what,
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