I started trying at 22 months he was pulling his diaper off not wanting to wear it. I felt like I forced him on off for two weeks. When I stopped a week later he ran into the bathroom and said I got to go pee and sat on the potty and since then it hasn't gone back to diapers
My son is 22 months and showing an interest. I bought him underwear and put him in them for about 5 hours accidents. But we still diapers too. I'm going to try again this weekend and see how he does. I'm not sure is he should sit or stand. My daycare lady teaches them to stand and go!! But I just have him sit. Idk.
I started my son with sitting he is to short to stand even with a step. He now gets on the toilet by himself and get on his knees on the toilet seat and puts his hand on the back of the toilet
My son turned 2 in July. I just let him run around naked, and if he peed on the floor, I told him "pee pee goes in the potty". He's completely potty trained now, and hasn't worn a diaper in a month. Just don't force it.He may go potty for a week with few accidents, and then sort of go backwards, but will catch on.
...took that as a sign. Started saying,"watch,mommy go peepee" and get all excited when I go. Same with daddy. Slowly but surely,he started attempting to go,the reward system is VERY AFFECTIVE,when he goes potty,YOU GO NUTS LOL clapping,yay,you did it!! All that stuff,bentleys favorite thing in the world is popscicles,so every time he went thats what he would get. Now,no more diapers,only undies,and I keep his potty in sight,and hell just walk over and go all on his own now,like a little adult. and he stands to pee,like daddy,he says
Thanks ladies, I have been debating how to start him since he does tell me AFTER he poops, so I think that's a good sign.
@erikak22 how long did it take of him peeing everywhere? I think that's a great idea but I am such a clean freak that I don't know how much I can take lol
@erikak22 how long did it take of him peeing everywhere? I think that's a great idea but I am such a clean freak that I don't know how much I can take lol