How much weight had u ladies gained at 16 weeks? Last time I went to my dr appt I was at 109 which means I haven't gained any weight...maybe a pound. Just wondering if its normal? It's my third pregnancy.
Well you can ask your doc what you can do since you are on the small side I'm sure they want you to be gaining. Well at least from my experience. I'm almost 30 weeks and gained 15 but I was underweight to start im 95 pounds..I know in my cause I can gain more since like you started out small so Ive been trying
@kimberly4411@jules@jessibear I'm assuming this is your second pregnancy or possibly third like mine?? How much did you all gain in your previous? @jessibear I just saw that you already answered what I asked. I gained 30 with my first and 15 with my second. Wonder how much I will with this one.
Yes this is my second my first daughter is now 21 months was born on December 12th and this baby girl is due December 5th. So they will be pretty much 2 years apart..the first time I gained 23 pounds. But by the time I was home I only had 8 left, which are gone by the time my daughter was 5 days old. And then it just kept on coming off that's how I ended up at 80 pounds when I became pregnant this time around. So far gaining at the same rate. I wouldn't mind if it all didn't come off my hubby thought I was too small anyways. I'm surprised you haven't gained anything did this happen last time did you just gain it later?
@jules I just gained slowly but I was already a little heavier. I am originally around 110 or so. Even after I had my first baby I was back to pre pregnancy weight of 105. Then I got on the depo shot when she was around 2 years old and gained 20 pounds!! It took me my last pregnancy to get rid of it!!! I was 129 when I got pregnant and by 40 weeks I was 143-144. After I had her I weighed 120 and went down to 115 and slowly went back to 110. This is my original size. I was considered "overweight" for my height. I'm 5'2. Idk why i haven't gained weight but honestly I'm not going to dwell on it much bc even though I only gained around 15 with my last, she was healthy and was almost 7 pounds. As long as I'm not starving myself and am not skipping meals I don't mind that I'm not gaining. I am honestly worried about gaining a lot bc It'll be my third and idk how hard it will be to lose it. Are you originally so petite? I think you'll be good by the time you have the baby. You probably gained healthy weight. Not from junk food and all that. @kimberly4411 oh great!!! Lol, it's going to creep up on me!
110, 120, isn't overweight for 5'2". 105 is borderline underweight. I'm the same height and weighed 135 before this pregnancy and that's considered normal. If you're talking about when you were 40 weeks and weighed 144, BMI doesn't count while you're pregnant. So at no point were you overweight. I'm 22 weeks and weigh 142, which is below the normal range for weight gain for my pre-pregnancy weight. I didn't gain anything until a week or so ago. This is my 5th baby.
Ya if your eating well than baby is getting those nutrients no need to worry. I'm sure you will start gaining soon. Babies do a lot of growing in second trimester. My daughter was 7 pounds which was great since im small. I'm hoping this baby stays around same size I can't imagine pushing it big baby. Was your second bigger? And did the weight just come off or what?
With my first I was 95 pounds and having a hard time keeping weight on my Dr told me he wanted me to at least gain 15lbs my whole pregnancy because around 4months I only put on a few lbs but at 40 weeks I gained 30 my third pregnancy I started at 105lbs I just had my 2 baby three months before that. I gained about 40lbs with him and now I feel big because my stomach is so stretched out. I am at 110 I'm 5'3. The weight will come it always took be longer at first then around months it started to stick to me. I think also if you got other kids you are constantly on the go keeping up with them keeps the weight off too.
The damn dr had told me it was considered overweight I I weighed 120 or more bc my age and height. I thought it sounded stupid as hell. I think every pregnancy is different and sometimes we have a completely different pregnancy then the last. I gained a healthy amount with my first. Idk what happened with my second. This one is different then my last two so hopefully I get a boy. You're right @jules I do think I will gain some in this trimester since the baby is growing a lot. Maybe a little more then some. I think I'm just over thinking it. @fate@starrxoxo9@debs did you have morning sickness?
I had morning sickness with all three and now the 4th. With my first it was horrible for 7 months morning sickness but able to put on weight after the first trimester.
All my friends get no morning sickness they make look so easy. Its not fair lol. I told my husband its worth it though. Hopefully it gets better for you soon. Good luck with your pregnancy
That doctor must have smoked something that day cause that is plain stupid lol. The only way you can be overweight while pregnant is if you were already overweight when you got pregnant...
I only gained 15lbs my whole pregnancy (or something like that)
Not with this baby, but I did with my other pregnancies. There's a pregnancy weight gain calculator that's really helpful if you're curious where you're supposed to be at. They're just guidelines but I found it helpful. It's on Baby Center.
@fate lol I looked it up just for fun that thing is crazy. It said I was underweight when starting which is true but I'm an athlete so. Then told me I should gain between 28 to 40 pounds this pregnancy which will probably not happen I don't know if that's even possible even if I just sat around and ate lol. I gained 23 with my first lost it all obviously. And so far ive gained 15 and I'm 30 weeks already so going the same rate as first time around. There's no way I'm ever get to what they suggest. Very interesting to see tough
@fate thank u! I looked it up and it said I'm at the minimum of what I should weigh for how far I am but I think it just depends on the person and like I said before, every pregnancy is different. And I could catch up at some point.
At 16 weeks I was just starting to gain the weight that I lost in the beginning. I lost 18 lbs from being so sick. Now I'm 34 weeks and have gained a total of 20lbs fromy pre pregnancy weight. With my first I gained over 60lbs so I'm hoping to not do that again. If ur doctor was worried I'm sure he/she would say something
@kimberly4411 oh great!!! Lol, it's going to creep up on me!
I only gained 15lbs my whole pregnancy (or something like that)
@debs thanks you too!
@fate thank u! I looked it up and it said I'm at the minimum of what I should weigh for how far I am but I think it just depends on the person and like I said before, every pregnancy is different. And I could catch up at some point.