what's your schedule/routine for your 2 yo?

I'm having a hard time finding a smooth flow to our day with my almost 2 year old. I was just wondering what your routines were and if they work well for you. I'm talking wake up, snack times, breakfast time, lunch time, dinner time, bathtime and how often you bathe them, bed time and whatever your little one eats.
I know thisay sound like I'm a moron parent, I DO all these things, but it's just not working well for us the way it used to so I'm thinking it's time to switch it up. Also do you have your 2 year old eat dinner with you guys or before? my hubby gets home from work later so I'm struggling with when to feed our son dinner. In an ideal world I'd like us all to eat together, but that's not always possible. I just want to know what works for everyone else.
Thanks ladies!!!


  • Tessa turned 2 in august and I don't have a strict schedule but our days are generally all about the same. We wake up between 7-8 and eat within an hour of getting up. If I don't have errands to run we just do normal toddler activities (coloring, playing with toys, going to the park/playing outside, etc.) and I'll usually put her favorite shows on for an hour so I can clean a little. Then Tessa will go down for a nap between 12-1 and sleep for 2-3 hours. When she gets up we just hang out til dinner and if it's a couple hours away she'll have a light snack/lunch. We always eat together when her dad gets home from work but the time varies. Then we hang out for a bit and she'll usually play or watch tv while I do the dishes. Then around 7-8 we have bath time (but usually only every other day) and then we all get ready for bed. (In bed between 8-9:30). Tessa has been sleeping with us since june because it was really hot in her room and ours has a/c. We will transition her back to her room at some point but she is so happy when we go to bed and she loves being with us so much that I actually don't mind it lol. Honestly we've pretty much just been winging it since she was born and it works fine for us. We are very laid back and Tessa couldn't be happier or healthier :)
  • edited September 2013
    Well my daughter has had the same routine forever! She wakes up at 9am I feed her and myself breakfast. My hubby is paramedic and works nights so he is asleep when we're up. Then I either run errands, go on walk to the park, go running, or clean house. Then she has snack and goes down for a nap at 11am until 1:30pm. Then I give her lunch bc I've usually had mine by then lol. Then we play or do whatever needs to be done. By that time my hubby is up and usually plays with her. Then she goes down at 4pm for a nap only for an hr at most. Then she wakes up like she's up now just hang out while I get diner ready for her and my hubby to take to work. She eats at 6pm I'll usually eat with her. And the days my hubby is home we do eat together. I give her bath and cup of milk by 7pm and she goes to bed at 8pm. Does work well for us hopefully I can stick to the routine when this baby gets here. :) And I didn't create the schedule she did I just go with the flow I mean aside to giving her a bath those were the times and are the times she tired and hungry so just kinda stuck.
  • Oh and she usually has a waffle and fruit or scrambled eggs and toast or fruit for breakfast. Sometimes pancakes or french toast. Any kind of sandwich for lunch (grilled cheese, pb & j, turkey), and whatever we eat for dinner she eats too. For snacks she likes goldfish, cereal bars, cheese and crackers, etc.
  • @starrxoxo9 your schedule sounds exactly like mine! Lol
  • We (she) wakes up at 615, hang out in the bedroom while dad gets ready for work. Come downstairs, we play for a little bit or watch tv, have breakfast around 730-800. Then we have a shower, which turns into a bath she can play in while I blow dry my hair if I need to. Then its either errand time, or play date time. Snack time is between 930-10. We have lunch at 12-1, then we try for a nap. Lots of days she doesn't nap, so then its just quiet time, ie read books, or puzzles (no tv or music on) for about an hour. Then we can do noisy play. Snack time round two is around 3. And supper time for her is around 5-530. If she naps, I prep dinner during that time, so we eat together. Ifshe ddoesn't nap, it usually means she eats solo, and we eat after she's in bed. More play time, then bath time around 7 (every day) read a book, potty time, then into bed she goes.
  • I'm like @starrxoxo9 and am very laid back and never forced a schedule just went with whatever lily wanted. Everyday is about the same though. She wakes up around 630 or 730 and then we relax in the living room until I make breakfast around 8. After breakfast we play, color, go outside or whatever. We do lunch around 1130/12 then she usually is ready for a nap which lasts about 2 hours. Then it's play time again for her. Then we do dinner around 530 or 6. Bath and bed by 8. I offer snacks between meals but no set times. And we do bath every other day except daycare days she always takes a bath after daycare before bed. I let her nap where ever she wants which is usually the couch but she sleeps all night in her crib.
  • My 23mo old wakes up between 7-7:30, we usually lay in bed watching tv and waiting for my 3mo old to wake up, then we eat a light bfast around 8:30 which is either cheerios, a pancake or a waffle and a cup of milk. Then we play until around 11 when I make an early lunch which is usually eggs, grilled cheese, or chorizo (Mexican sausage), sometimes leftovers from the dinner the night before if it's not too heavy. Then he goes down for a nap between 12-12:30 and he naps for 4 or 4.5 hours (yes, that's right FOUR hours lol) When he wakes up I give him a snack which is usually applesauce, yogurt, cheese fishes, or strawberries or blueberries. Then we play/watch tv until daddy gets home and we eat dinner, usually around 6:30. Then he might get a bath if he didn't get one before nap time, play and he goes to bed at 8:30 every night.
  • Alana will be 2 in two weeks :)
    We co sleep so she wakes me up between 11:00am-12:30pm. We use the rest room then brush our teeth, and wash up.

    I make her a breakfast/lunch and she sits by her table and watches tv as she eats. She'll eat french toast and strawberries or cereal. She'll watch tv and we'll play.

    By 3:00pm She usually takes her nap for around 2 hours, but she wont go to sleep without her bottle.. which is a habit of hers I need to shake off soon!

    When she wakes up around 5pm She'll have dinner or a snack.

    We'll play or my parents will wat check her for a little so I can have some "me" time.

    Around 7 She'll eat again or just play and thats usually bath time. (I bathe her every few days because when I was little I had a horrible skin condition, thank God my skin is perfectly clear now but it was horrible before.) I do wash her down every day though with a wash cloth and her baby soap.

    She usually goes to sleep around 11pm which is easy for me since im not a morning person.

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