First Poop Explosion.

edited September 2013 in Babies
I was cradling my LO and rocking him to sleep after a long breastfeeding session and then... I heard it and felt it. He just smiled with one eye opened. His diaper was loaded with golden poop [ETA] as well as his back.


  • Lol that is not a poop explosion. When he poops so much and so fast that it's coming up out of the neckhole of whatever he's wearing, you will have experienced a true poop explosion ;)
  • I remember with nyla I was changing her diaper n she pushed out her poop it got all over my shirt n girl I had to cut my shirt bc I aint pulling that shyt over my head lmao.
  • @nylasmommy hahahhahaha!!! The 2nd time I changed Tessa she was on the couch and I didn't realize she wasn't done and she sprayed poop allllll over my arm, the couch, and a pile of like 10 new diapers!! I just froze and didn't know what the hell to do hahahaha.
  • Lol. It went up his back. @starrxoxo9

  • Yep that's it lol. I went through a one month period with my daughter where EVERY poop was an explosion. The only way to avoid it was by holding her upright as it happened lol.
  • @starrxoxo9: Oh lawd.

    @NylasMommy: Lol Projectile poop.
  • I always just put my daughter in tub or use sink depending on how bad during explosion lol. But once they get to eating solid you won't have much explosions to worry about. :)
  • I don't miss that!
  • @sands3 lol I was thinking same thing. I have moments I miss my lo being tiny but then I remember things like that then feel great that she's more independent and I don't have to worry about crazy poo and crying baby and sleepless nights. But here I am about to do it all over again. I just keep telling myself first year still fly by like it did fist time and than I'll be great!
  • @starrxoxo9 lol ur story was funny too. Girl, I frozed also. I sat there and gagged for a minute then looked for scissors haha
  • Yeah I usually just get the shower head going and wash them off. Luckily (maybe) ours always happened at home
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