What's wrong with my toddler?

My daughter has had a bad diaper rash for several days. Around that time she started fighting us and crying when we'd wipe the poop out of her vagina. She doesn't cry when she pees, but sometimes she pats the front of her diaper after she poops or pees.
She cries everytime we try to change her and everytime she gets a bath.
Tonight I changed her diaper and she did pretty well, but since I was going to be giving her a bath soon I decided to try training under pants. When I told her we were going to put big girl panties on she totally freaked. She fought me the whole time I was putting them on her.
Everytime I asked her if she wanted to use the big girl potty she cried. An hour into it she made this face like she was pushing out a poop so I picked her up and said lets go potty. She instantly started crying. Well she wasn't trying to poop - she peed. When I took her underwear off and tried to put her on the potty, she freaked out. So I told her it was time for her bath and she cried from the time I started the water until her bath was over. She use to love playing in the tub but now she stands and cries the whole time I bathe her.
Sorry this is so long but I'm at a complete loss at what is going on with her.


  • My daughter seemed like she was having issues down there. I took her to the Dr as soon as she started showing signs it started at 3 yes old she would say her seat buckles hurt her area it hurt to pee. I asked if she fell and hurt herself in her area she said no. I made sure no one has touched her which I'm a stay at home mom but had to ask justto make sure 100% ttook her to the Dr and she.was perfectly fine the last time I took her she was rubbing and say it itched I got meds something called goober I think. Its like a thick cream she has eczema and now we know it effects her private area. I would take your daughter to the Dr to make sure its nothing like yeast or uti or if it is you can get her treated and feeling better.
  • @debs I am calling tomorrow - I just don't know what to tell them other than she is acting unusual.
    She will be 2 in a month so we cant ask her those questions - she just doesn't understand.
  • At that age its so hard my son turned two in June and all he says what hurts when he falls but can't go into detail. Tell them she has having issues in her privates but not sure what is going on since she can't voice it. They will probably want tlher to pee in a cup and that will be hard I had to take my daughter home she couldn't at the office. I hope you find some answers let me know what happens. Does your daughter take a lot of bubble baths? That can cause a lot of irritation.
  • edited September 2013
    She could have a yeast rash. Try clotrimazole cream (will be labeled as athletes foot cream or antifungal cream) with a&d ointment over it. If it's yeast, that combination will clear it up within 24 hours. My daughter went through a period of time where she got yeast rashes if she pooped and we didn't change her literally that exact second. They were hell for her.
  • edited September 2013
    Could be a yeast rash or eczema? My daughter had one and it wouldn't go away with diaper cream, so I tried monistat thinking it was a yeast rash but didn't go away. I took her to the doctor and turned out to be eczema. Doctor prescribed cortizone and let her butt air out after every use. Rash was gone almost immediately.

    As for potty training and bath time, she might not be ready. My daughter used to sit in the tub and enjoy but all of a sudden she hit two and she wants to stand up like a big girl. And she also took herself off the bottle. Your daughter might be going through some changes.
  • The rash might burn when she gets in the tub. Also, my grandson used love baths until he fell one time and went under water and it scared him really bad....maybe something like that happened?
  • @debs @starrxoxo9 @monkey_girl @wilsomom I took her to the dr yesterday. The dr said she has a skin infection and gave her an atibiotic cream. She looked at her vagina and said there is nothing wrong. She said it's her age and that she's just decided she doesn't want anyone to touch her there.
    One night with cream and her rash/infection looks so much better.
  • Thanks for the update glad to hear you lil girl is okay. :)
  • That's good news, I hope she gets to feeling better from the rash, maybe that will help her not get so upset during changes hopefully.
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