When does the next feeding actually start?

edited September 2013 in Breastfeeding
Let's say I fed DS at 12PM by breast does his next feeding start at 2PM/3PM or does it start 2 to 3hrs after he finish his feeding? I'm a little confused on this one. Same goes for when he feeds from the bottle? I try to feed him every 2-3 hours. DS is 10 days old.


  • That's a good question. When I was breastfeeding, at that age, I just fed then whenever they were hungry
  • I had no exact time for my son that young if he cried and was hungry he ate as he got older he atw during the day every two hrs then at night every three but tgatscwhen he was around 3 months.
  • Well if your baby isn't giving you signs of when his hungry but you want to keep good supply do 2 hrs as soon as his done eating. So let's say he came off the boob at 1pm then he needs to be back on by 3pm. But most time they will let you know that they are hungry my lo did.
  • I was always told it went from the beginning of the feeding, but Idk for sure. I always feed by a schedule.
  • @sands3: I feed whenever he is hungry but he sleeps most of the day.

    @debs: But LO sleep mostly through the day and feeds at night.

    @jules: That's exactly what he does. Sleep all day and feed all night. I'm trying to keep him on a schedule in the day so when he gets older it'll be easy to follow. Plus to keep my supply going. I do pump when he's sleep but I need his stimulation to keep the milk coming in.

    @Wilsomom: That's what most people are telling me. I figured it was from the beginning. SO for some reason thinks different.
  • Well his still very little but slowly change in up you will be very glad if you get some kind of routine early on. Glad breastfeeding is going well for you!
  • edited September 2013
    @jules: Me too. To think I was afraid he wouldn't latch on and I would have to result to formula. Not that I think FF is bad. I was formula fed.
  • Oh wow. My kids were only like that in the hospital. Your lucky get him on a schedule that works for you.
  • edited September 2013
    @debs: I actually hate that he sleeps through the day because I'm up all night and the middle of the morning either feeding or changing him. I do enjoy when he's awake and we just stare at each other as he coo's.

    I want to get him on a schedule though.
  • Well it's good to be prepared. But I'm glad very happy that its working out so well for you. I'll be hoping for same thing!
  • edited September 2013
    @jules: I'm hoping the same for you too. BabyCenter forums, you guys and my offline friends have helped and encouraged me to keep breastfeeding and to not give up. I even shocked my mom. Just don't give up #breastmilkisthebestmilk.
  • @veevee thank you! And great job :)
  • I feed ondemand he's sleeping I don't wake him up he's up crying feed him that's it.....
  • @2girls_2boys that's what I ended up doing and will do sooner this time around. With my first I was scared cause the doc and nurses and people around me kept saying I had to wait until she was certain weight so I did. This time I'm not going to wait. Now that I know no baby will starve themselves. When they need something such as food they let us know :)
  • edited September 2013
    @jules You're welcome and Thank you.
  • @2girls_2boys: That's pretty much what I'm doing now, feeding on demand. I do want to start a schedule so we both can sleep through the night.
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