anyone a realtor?

So we have been looking at houses on and off since december in feb we made an offer on a short sale waited 4 months for the bank to come back and deny the request to short sale that house. In june we looked and a few more houses and made another offer on another short sale this time it wasalready apapproved with the price so from june 26 to sept 5 we waited for the bsnk to get their paper work together. There was miscommunication and we were unaware we were in the 5 day attorney review to get inspections done and missed that window. Being it was a short sale we said we still wanted the mold test done. Well the sellers kept coming up with excuses to not let us in the house for the test and then on sept 10 we find out that we must close on sept 27 they finally let us in there last wed. A week and two days before we are suppose to close and friday we get the mold results back saying there is black toxic mold. Its in the air not insight so they are assuming its in the drywall. We decided we didn't want to take a chance with babies living there and not knowing the exact cost to clean the mold up we decided to walk away. So now all the work has been done by our realtor, attorney and mortgage broker but we are walking away. We built our first house and after dealing with all this crap for 10 months we decided we want to build again. I'm scared to tell my realtor. Even though she has not been very good to us I still feel bad. What can I do or say to not make the blow to her so hard?


  • Just be honest with her. It's her job to do what you want, and to keep you happy. She will still get the commission if you build a house.
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