Help!! My 16 month old still wakes up numerous times!

edited March 2011 in Sleep
Im due june 22 with my fourth child. My 16 month still wakes up several times a night. Im wondering if I will ever sleep again :(... I never had a child that didn't sleep through the night at this age. Any suggestions?


  • My girls were both 2 years old before they slept through the night lol. Good luck :-) x
  • @Momma_luvz_her_4 omg I feel horrible for u bc I know exactly how u feel bc im in almost same exact place.I am preg wit 5th due aug 10th and my son is 17months and is like a newborn.he wont sleep alone he wakes up every 30min to an hr.idk what to other 3 had no terrified not only with the sleeping but him adjusting to the new baby in everyday.I think he thinks he's an only child bc my other 3 r older.they r 11girl,9girl and 8boy.
  • Lol my son has only jus started sleeping through and hes 3 next month
  • @lucky7 thats my exact position 2. My other 2 are 11 and 6 so shes spoiled. The 16 month old wants to b in our bed all the time too. Im scared when this vaby comes too! Whats my life going 2 b like... Never had sleep problems with the others. Well if u find a solution let me n I will do the same :)
  • @katiemcmillan12 , @cheryl7 u both are scaring me lol 8-X
  • Put your foot down before the new baby comes. My daughter learned right away that it was unacceptable to sleep in bed with us and there were some nights she was fussy for no reason so we let her cry it out. Best thing we ever did... she started sleeping through the night at 6 months. Now she is 2, sleeps 12 hours a night and still takes a 2 hour nap. By letting her cry it out she learned to soothe herself. If she is restless at night now I know it'll only take about 5 minutes and she'll be right back to sleep. Good luck.
  • @lucky7 and @momma_luvz_her_4..... my son is 22 months, and he was sleeping through the night at 16 months after I had to tough love him. Let him cry for 2 hours, the doc said it would be ok to do that. And was fine, but he also took a binkie, but he bit through them and didn't get new ones. Just don't feed them or get them out of the crib in the night. Just pat them on their head and say night night. It might take 2-3 nights for it to kick in. But it will work and they will sleep. Good luck. Be tough ladies.
  • @countrymommaof2stb3 thank you.i tried a couple times but never followed through.I actually already my hubby and kids be prepared bc friday im goin to start it again.we tried it in our rm and I had to sit nxt to bed bc he kept getting out.this time he's getting his own rm and im closing the door.I bought a video monitor so I can see him. Im so nervous talking about it and thinking about it is making my stomach turn like when your about to throw up.ughhhh!im goin to do it though.I got to be strong,lol.
  • @lucky7.... I felt sick too. Felt like I'm a bad momma. But in the end I'm glad I did it. Both my kids sleep from 8-9 pm til 8-9 am. It's 9:32am here right now and both kids are still asleep. So nice!!
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