Unassisted Birth (Freebirth)
I have decided to go it alone with hubby, at home! I'm very excited! Of course hubby has made me compromise a couple of things. If I go into labor before 37 weeks, I have to see a doctor. If labor lasts more than 36 hours, I have to see a doctor. If he or I feel anything is wrong, I have to see a doctor, etc. I'm getting a birthing pool, and if I get tired I'll have an air bed on the floor to take a nap on (easy clean up). I'm going to have a video camera set up for my experience. I've been reading a lot to prepare for the day and I will keep preparing for the next 17 weeks. I'll be on Facebook updating if anyone wants to add me to join in the excitement! My due date is January 26th, so I still have a lot of time.
We aren't finding out the gender so labor by ourselves is going to be so worth it for the extra surprise when the baby is born!

@starrxoxo9 If she says yes, we'll prepare together so she knows what to expect. Of course if I feel she's not handling it very well, I'll ask someone to come get her if she wants. She was there during the beginning of my last labor, but left before I gave birth.
@5lilangels I was afraid hubby wouldn't go for it, at first he said he'll think about. Then a few hours later he was on board as long as I promised to seek medical care if something isn't right. This is his baby too, so I was thankful he's being supportive.
You are obviously braver than I am with child birth. You know what's right for you and as long as you are taking precautions in case of emergencies good for you!
I honestly never read about home births in general and I've never heard about alone births. Outside of unplanned ones because people couldn't get to the hospital. I could never do it but it seems like an interesting concept to me.
Of course, I'm sure you've probably looked up tons already!
@wilsomom I loved that! Even when she had to breathe for baby she did what she had to. Thank you!
@monkey_girl Thank you so much!